chapter 21

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Jake's POV:

I was downstairs in the kitchen, about to eat a donut but all of a sudden I hear multiple knocks on the front door. I check what time it is. It's 2:13 AM.. Who could be here at this time? I start walking towards the door. They continue to keep knocking, so I try to hurry up to the door. I open the door, and find Alissa, right in front of me. Just crying.

Jake: Oh my gosh, Alissa.. What's wrong?
Alissa: (looks at Jake with tears in her eyes)
Jake: (looks her up and down and see's a few bruises on her) What the fuck...? Did Ricky do this to you?
Alissa: Please don't say anything or do anything. I just need a place to stay, Jake.
Jake: (let's her in and closes the door) I gotchu, Alissa. (helps her up the stairs quietly and head to Jake's room)
Alissa: Thanks... I'm sorry for showing up this late.. (she says as she enters his room)
Jake: (enters his room after Alissa and closes the door) It's okay. Don't worry about it.
Alissa: Thanks..
Jake: You can have the bed.. I'll sleep on the floor.. So if you need me, I'll be just a step away.
Alissa: Thank you.. (she sits on the bed)
Jake: What's wrong? You don't wanna sleep yet?
Alissa: Jake.. Can we just talk.. I just need someone to talk to.
Jake: Yeah, sure thing. What's up?
Alissa: Okay.. This isn't the first time Ricky has put his hands on me... Everytime we argue he puts his hands on me. And I really just wanna be done for good this time.
Jake: You shouldn't let him do stuff like that to you. He's just taking advantage. (sits down on the bed next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder)
Alissa: (looks at Jake) Thanks, Jake..
Jake: (smiles at Alissa) No problem.
Alissa: (looks into Jake's eyes and smiles) I missed you, Jake....
Jake: I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss you. I've missed you since the day you left.. But then Erika and I got closer, and I fell in love with her... But I'd be lying if I had said I hadn't thought about you at all.
Alissa: (starts to lean in and kisses Jake)
Jake: (kisses back for a moment)

When she kissed me... It's like the sparks were relit.. But it went away after seconds.. Her kisses didn't compare to any of the kisses I had with Erika anymore. Erika is definitely the one the universe wants me to be with.

Jake: (pulls away from the kiss) Alissa..
Alissa: Yeah, sorry. It was just like a spur of the moment type thing... But I really did miss you, Jake..
Jake: Its okay. I missed you too. (smiles at Alissa)
Alissa: (smiles at Jake and lays down on the bed and falls asleep)
Jake: (goes to the floor and makes a spot for him to sleep on and falls asleep)

Erika's POV:

I checked the time and it's 11 AM... I realize that I'm late for a meeting today so I quickly get up and get dressed. As I was walking out of my room to go to the kitchen... I see Alissa walking down with Jake and he was shirtless.. They're smiling and laughing, and being very friendly. Which makes me very jealous seeing them together. Alissa looks at me and I stare at her back. Jake looks at me, and leads Alissa towards the door, and leads her out. I just stood there thinking for a moment... Did they have sex? Why is she here? Why are they so happy? I see Jake walk back in and I go straight to him..

Erika: Jake, what the fuck? Why is she here?
Jake: She was just sleeping here for a night
Erika: Why are you guys together?
Jake: We can't be friends or something? (he says as he starts walking up the stairs)
Erika: (follows him up the stairs) Why are you shirtless? Did you guys have sex?
Jake: (walks into his room) Why are you so curious?
Erika: (walks in after him) Because I still love you.
Jake: Yeah, well. At least I didn't kiss your best friend.
Erika: I'm sorry, Jake!
Jake: Sorry doesn't take things back or fix things, Erika.
Erika: What happened between you and Alissa?
Jake: Well, I'm going to be completely honest since I'm no liar.. Alissa and I did kiss last night.. But nothing happened after that.

When I heard Jake say "Alissa and I did kiss last night" I swear I couldn't control my anger and just myself in general.. He stood there, and I just started pushing him, and hitting him on his chest. He just stood there, taking it.. Like any good man would do.

Jake: (after a few hits and pushes, he pulls in Erika close and kisses her)
Erika: (she kisses back)
Jake: (he pulls away) I never said I liked the kiss. We just kissed, and it made me realize that the universe wants me to be with you. And if it takes forgiving to do that, then so be it. I love you Erika Costell. I have for awhile now, and I never want it to change.
Erika: (smiles at him) Is Jerika still for life?
Jake: (looks into her eyes and smiles) It always was. (kisses her passionately)


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