chapter 16

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Erika's POV:

Our lips were still on eachother.. The next thing I know... Megan walks in. I immediately pull away and get up and push Anthony away from me. She looks at me with her eyes just full of pure hurt and anger. I felt so sorry and bad! I hated myself for kissing him. I guess it was just a spur of the moment type thing. I guess I just missed having someone when I need them. No one was there but Anthony which is why I was tempted to kiss him. I regretted every single bit of it! I hated myself! Megan walks out and Anthony looks at me.

Anthony: What's wrong with her?
Erika: Nothing. Now get out. Never talk about this. This was the biggest mistake of my life! Get out of my fucking room, Tony!
Anthony: (surprised at how she raised her voice towards the end) Okay, okay!

Anthony's POV:

Inside I was so happy, but outside... I didn't know what just happened. I love her but it just didn't feel right. I don't feel the same love back or same emotion or passion. It's different and I hate it... But I loved it because I got to kinda makeout with the girl of my dreams. Walking out of Erika's room, my eyes meet Megan's. I look at her and awkwardly smiled. She looked back at me and her eyes were filled with tears. Like, why is she crying? I don't get it...

Megan's POV:

I literally just saw one of my best friends kiss the guy who I love the most in the whole entire world. My heart was broken at this point. I was upset and angry. I cried and Anthony saw me, but I turned away. He walked back up to his room and I grab my things and heads towards the door. As soon as I open the door, I see Jake standing right in front of me. I look at him and he walks back in and notices me crying. He tells me to come back in to talk so I did even though I didn't want to.

Jake: What's wrong, Meg? Why are you crying?
Megan: (looks down at the floor) I.. Well..
Jake: C'mon you can tell me.
Megan: (looks up at him) Well... I've liked Tony for the longest time..
Jake: Oh, uh. Okay, well yeah?
Megan: I was going to get Erika to see if she wanted to go the gym with me later..
Jake: Uh huh.
Megan: I walked in... And I saw them kissing. And like it was kinda sorta like a makeout but I don't know, they had looked like they had been kissing already...
Jake: (he quickly looks down and clenches his fists together) What the fuck?!
Megan: I'm sorry Jake. My feelings are also hurt..
Jake: I know.. Thanks for telling me though..

Jake's POV:

As soon as Megan tells me that he saw Erika and Anthony kissing, I fill up with anger. At this point, all I wanna do is just get away from all these toxic people. But at the same time, I want to handle this like a man. She's not mine anymore.. But I still love her like crazy. Once I had finished talking to Megan, I immediately head to Tony's room. The last thing I heard Megan say was "stop", but I knew I wasn't going to. I barge in and go directly to him.

Anthony: What now?
Jake: (he gets all up in his face and pushes him against the wall) You kissed Erika again!
Anthony: Correction... We kissed. She kissed me, and I kissed back.
Jake: (his face fills with anger) I fucking can't with you anymore!! (he holds him up against the wall) I'm not stopping this time. (he throws a couple punches at his face)
Anthony: (tries to push Jake off him but can't because he's stronger than him at the moment) Stop!
Jake: (punches his stomach a couple times)
Anthony: (holds his stomach and coughs) I... I can't breathe.
Jake: (grabs him and pushes him down to the floor and lets go of him and starts kicking him and turns around as soon as he hears....)
Megan: Oh my gosh!! Anthony!! Jake..
Erika: (goes to Jake and tells him to stop)
Jake: (looks at Erika and looks back down at Anthony and see how beaten up he is)
Erika: Jake, listen to me please.
Jake: (looks into her eyes and then kicks Anthony two more times and starts walking out of the room)
Erika: (chases after Jake) Jake!!
Megan: (goes straight to Tony and tries to help him out)
Jake: Erika, I said we're fucking over! And hurry up and get your shit out of my room!!

I don't know what to do anymore.. I can't. I rush out the house. I need to get out for awhile.

Erika's POV:

After all that happened.. I finally went up to Jake's room to get my stuff. I walk in and just see everything thrown down to the floor. His room was a mess. I got my bag and opened it up and started to put my clothes in them. As I was picking up my clothes.. My eyes laid upon something..


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