chapter 20

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Jake's POV:

Alissa and I are supposed to meet up today at dunkin donuts to hang out so I shower and get dressed with my new halloween merch. Always plug. I leave the house and head to dunkin' donuts. Alissa and I sit down and start to eat our donuts and just somehow as always, like how it use to, have endless conversations that make us both smile. I then start to wonder and bring up this conversation..

Jake: How are things at home?
Alissa: I don't know, I haven't gone home.
Jake: Where are you staying then?
Alissa: Hotel.
Jake: Oh. Well, I would tell you to stay at the team 10 house since we're cool now but I don't know how that'd turn out... Considering you and Erika kinda have some shit going on cause of me...
Alissa: Oh, no. It's fine.
Jake: Well okay, if you say so. You're welcome to come by at any time.
Alissa: Thanks, Jake.

Tessa's POV:

I haven't really been feeling well all week, but talking to Erika always makes me feel better. Right now, I just feel really sick. But it's okay.

Erika: Do you think Alissa and Jake are going to back together?
Tessa: You're jumping to conclusions, E.
Erika: Well, why wouldn't I? They were in love with eachother at one point.
Tessa: Well so what if he is? Are you gonna just wait for him to crawl back into your life?
Erika: No....
Tessa: Well... (holds her stomach and mouth and starts running to the bathroom)
Erika: (gets up and heads to the bathroom)
Tessa: (quickly kneels down and starts throwing up into the toilet)
Erika: Are you sure you're okay?
Tessa: Yeah.. Yeah...

Truth is.... I wasn't. I was freaking out because I think I know what's wrong with me... And I just don't know how to deal with it..

Tessa: Erika...
Erika: Yeah?
Tessa: I think I know what's going on with me...
Erika: You can tell me anything Tessa.
Tessa: I know, E... But well, I think I might be pregnant....
Erika: Tessa! How are you so sure?
Tessa: Well... It's been a month and I haven't gotten my period.. And I have been getting morning sickness for the past few days...
Erika: Um... Who's the father? Is it Chance?
Tessa: ....Uh.... It's Emilio...
Erika: Wait. Are you serious?
Tessa: I'm sure. He's the only person I've had sex with since Chance... And it's been so many months since Chance and I did it..
Erika: Well, just to be positive, we'll have you take a few pregnancy tests.. Have you thought about what you're gonna do if you are pregnant?
Tessa: Kinda...
Erika: Are you going to tell Emilio?
Tessa: No, I don't want to.. And yeah, I've thought about it. I don't wanna tell him, and I have a whole future ahead of me. I'm only 18, Erika. I still have a whole lot I want to do. I'm not ready to be a mother. Especially if this child won't be getting any attention. I've been thinking about abortion...
Erika: I understand.. But I don't know.. I think you should talk to Emilio if you do turn out to be pregnant with his kid.
Tessa: I don't know..

Anthony's POV:

Jake walked in and looked at me. He came over to me and asked if we could talk... I agreed and we sat down.

Jake: Can I ask you a question?
Anthony: Sure..
Jake: Who kisses who?
Anthony: Well, the first time, I kissed her.. And the second time, she kissed me.. The second one was more so like a makeout though..
Jake: Thanks for being honest.
Anthony: Yeah, no prob. And I'm sorry about everything. You know you've been like my brother since we were kids.
Jake: Yeah, I know. I wish things hadn't gotten so bad.
Anthony: Well listen.. Trust me when I say this, I'm over Erika.. And to be honest, I'm kinda into Meg now..
Jake: Ooooo. Megthony I see..
Anthony: Haha, bro stop.
Jake: Alright, alright. And I wanna apologize for beating you up.
Anthony: Its okay. I honestly probably deserved it though cause I mean I was being a pretty big asshole.
Jake: Eh..
Anthony: I'm sorry about everything.. And since we're best friends again.. As a friend, I'm telling you that maybe you should forgive Erika.
Jake: Yeah, maybe. But I mean, I don't know... She did lean in, kiss you, and just let it continue to happen until you guys were interrupted. Like what if Meg hadn't come in? Would you guys have done more than just makeout?
Anthony: (sighs) I mean you're right.
Jake: I need a lot of time to think about it.. Plus.. I've been hanging out with Alissa again..
Anthony: Alissa??... Really?
Jake: Yeah.. It's been like the old days. You know an unproblematic relationship filled with tons of laughs and smiles. And she looks great.
Anthony: Well.. Alright, bro. Do whatever you want. Do what makes you happy. I'll catch you later. (does a handshake with Jake and starts to leave)
Jake: Alright, thanks bro.

Hmm... Alissa and Jake again? Yeah I mean they did have a great relationship but.. I just know they're not meant for eachother. I know now that Jake and Erika are soulmates.. And they should be the ones that get together in the end.


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