chapter 10

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Tessa's POV:

I was walking with Ivan to their room to go get Emilio so that we could all go get froyo together. All of a sudden as I'm walking in, I see Chance throwing Emilio's laptop to the floor! What the hell is Chance doing?! He grabbed Emilio and had him against the wall, pushing him hard against it. I couldn't stand here and watch...

Tessa: STOP!

Chance looks at me, and all I do is stare him down with angry and disappointed eyes.

Tessa: (walking over to Chance) What are you doing? Stop! Put him down. NOW!

Chance: Fine

He pushes him off and he knocks over a lamp and a few glass cups that were on the night stand and falls onto the broken glass.

Tessa: (rushes over to Emilio) Chance, what the fuck is wrong with you?! (looks over at Emilio to see if he's okay) Emilio... Are you okay?
Emilio: Yeah... (he says as he picks up his hand and has broken pieces of glass stuck in it)
Tessa: You're not okay.. C'mon let's go to my room and Ivan & I will help you get all cleaned up. (Ivan and Tessa help Emilio up and the twins walk to Tessa's room) I'll meet you guys there, I needa talk to Chance for a minute. (as the twins leave the room, she pushes Chance) Chance, what is all of this about?
Chance: (sighs) You...
Tessa: What about me?
Chance: I want you back, Tessa.. I saw you and Emilio getting close and I was jealous.
Tessa: (looks at Chance with a disappointing look) No Chance. You fucked it up. Rememeber? Just Stop! You shouldn't do that. I don't care how jealous you get or how upset and angry you may be but never do that again! Or I will really never even consider giving you another chance. I'm so mad at you right now! I don't even want to talk to you anymore. Bye! (walks out of his room and goes to hers)
Chance: (watches as he leaves and gets mad with himself and punches the wall and makes a small hole into it and looks down at his knuckles as they had just turned really red) FUCK!! (he yells and then sighs as he runs his hands through his hair and lays back on his bed, looking up at the ceiling)

I can't believe Chance.. How could he ever put his hands on someone who doesn't deserve it?! He just literally made me so angry today!!! I walk into my room and see the twins sitting on my bed waiting for me. I walk over and sit down next to Emilio and grab his hand and start looking at it..

Tessa: They're not deep cuts. We'll take them out and then you'll be good to go. Ivan, can you go try and find the first aid kit? We should have one around here. Please go look for it.
Ivan: Got it. (he says as he walks out the room and heads downstairs to find the first aid kit)
Tessa: (helps Emilio up and leads him to the bathroom sink)

{Sorry for the short chapter. My wattpad started acting up during this chapter so I'm just gonna continue on in the next chapter! Like if you enjoyed! Buuuuuut.... If you really like Temilio, you Temilio shippers are gonna love the next chapter I guess. Thanks for reading, love you guys! Peace}

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