Me or Spider-Man?

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Sirens were blaring. Shots were ringing. Lights were flashing. It was a bank robbery. I was swung web to web to keep myself out of sight. "Man, these goons just don't know when to surrender," I whispered. CRASH! Their back up had arrived. A black van began to unload several more gun men and a familiar villain: Mister Negative. "Martin Lee?" I thought to myself. "Why him?" I crawled closer to their side. "Alright!" Lee announced, "Osborn wants this bank's safe looted completely. Vacant. Do your job!"
"YES SIR," they replied. Spider-Sense.

BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! "Oh great." I threw my legs forward, twisted to the right, and shot a web towards the ceiling. "Hey boss, we hav-" I kicked the thug on the head and asked, "Who's next?"as I let go of the thread.
"Get him!" shouted Mr. Negative. Bullets went everywhere except my direction. "Time to use my new stationed web shooters." I placed the device on the floor. "Guys, I can't stay here and fight all of you. I need to catch your boss," I joked as I set the timer on the machine. "So see ya!" THWIP! I swung off towards the directors office where the safe was..  Behind me: the web shooter went off and tied everyone in the room in webbing. Some of them went WHUMP! on a table. "Classic."

Lee was about to strike the vault when I arrived. THWIP! "Stop right there!" I commanded. He turned around and cut off the web from his arm. "Spider-Man," he greeted grimly. "Well, that's what it says in Jameson's paper, yeah," I quipped, "Now. Osborn. What does he want this for?"
"Maybe we'll save this for another time Spider." The wall suddenly blew off, and he made his escape through it. "Well... that's one way to do it."

I returned to school. It was 5th period and the bell was about to ring for lunch. I waited outside of the class for my best friend. RIIING! Kids poured out of the class. I spotted her and grabbed her backpack. "Surprise," I said. "Ah! Stupid!" She jumped. She hit me with her note book. "I'm sorry," I laughed. She glared at me then smiled. "Here's your homework. Mrs. Hernandez isn't going to give me your homework anymore if you keep missing out." "About that...I need to tell you something." Her eyes widened. "What," she asked eagerly.
I took her into an empty class room and closed the door. "I... I'm.." "Yeah?" "I'm Spider-Man." "WHAT? YOU'RE--" "Quiet!" I hushed. "So... you're Spider-Man? That explains so much." She answered. "Let's go to lunch," I suggested.

At the table, it was just her and I. Our friends were sitting with their friends. "I need to tell you something. I'm going out with another guy." "Another one. Why?" I asked. "I liked him. He liked me." "Well, I can't stop you..." "But I like this other guy too... he's a lot more caring." "I'd suggest you follow your heart." We picked up our plates and threw them away.

We sat outside in the patio next to each other. It was quiet between us. She put her head on my shoulder and wrapped her hand around mine. "I think I have feelings for you..." she admitted. "Why?" I asked, "Why me?" "You're a very caring person. You always put others before yourself. There was never a time that you thought about yourself. Just others." "The term boyfriend doesn't mean anything to you, does it? You've had many boyfriends before and you treated them like nothing. What makes me think I'm any different for you? And right after I told you I was Spider-Man."

"It's either me or Spider-Man."

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