Everyone Breaks at One Point

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**Michael Straczynski's take on Spider-Man is probably the best out of all the writers to have written for Spider-Man. Obviously his writing style influenced me now that I look at my old stories. I know he wrote a situation similar to this, but here it goes...

It's five in the morning as I wake up to go to work. I was lucky enough to get a position in my old highschool as a science teacher. It was about time I gave back to the school that helped me so much... Because without that school I wouldn't be the Peter Parker I am today.

"I wonder what the kids are like. Maybe they're all into science like me, or maybe they hate it... Maybe I could be the one who let's them discover their passion for science," I talked to myself as I buttoned up my shirt over my suit. My old classic red and blues were nearly destroyed after a close encounter with a wind turbine (don't ask), so I'm wearing a spare black suit someone made for me. Not surprised that it fits me like a glove since she's a great sewer.

The clock read 6:30 AM. I sling my satchel over my shoulder and walk out. Cars are honking, people are yelling, and the air smells funky; oh how much I love New York.

I turn around the corner of the street and I see a group of kids beating on a boy. I near myself towards the small crowd. "Little smart ass," snickered one. "Fucking nerd," insulted another. I heard laughter as the kids kicked him to the ground.

"Hey," I chastised, " leave him alone."

One of them glances at me and looks back at the kid and says, "Who's that? Your dad? You're lucky he got here in time. We'll have to continue after school."

I help the kid up. His eyes are watery, nose bloody, bruised... "Are you alright?" I question, "C'mon let's get you to the nurse-" He pulls his arm away from me and firmly answers, "No. I'm fine. Leave me alone. I've had enough... They'll see... One day."

And that was the last I saw of him for a while.


I enter the school and find all kinds of kids roaming in the halls. Some scrambling towards their first class, others just standing around in the hall.

The principal greets me. "Glad to see someone was willing to help out with the shortage of teachers. As you can see... There's a decline in this school. It's difficult to employ teachers with the condition of Midtown."

"My pleasure sir," I gladly responded, "It's the least I can do for my old highschool."

"Before you start, I don't know if you were advised about the students... But they're quite troublesome. Of course there are good children here, but it's not an easy job," he warns.

I reply, "Well, I've worked with Dr. Banner, Tony Stark, and Reed Richards. Unless these kids are gamma radiated, I'm confident I can work with them."

"Alright" he starts, "class begins soon. Let me walk you to your classroom."

The kids are all chatting with each other. Some sitting on the desks, others sitting backwards in the chair. A paper airplane flew around the room before hitting the ground.

The principal clears his throat and the room goes silent. "Good morning, students. I'd like to introduce your new tecaher, Mr. Parker."

I smile and wave. "Good morning." At the very least, I heard five respond "Good morning" back. Others made small remarks and threw insults. One of them stood up and asked, "So are you guys just hiring people off the street, now?" "Tyler," the principal sternly called his attention, "I'm sure you don't want to go to the office again. Sit down."

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