Try Me

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**Woah we have a badass here

Another restless night comes around, and I go around the city looking for activity that'll fill me with exhilaration. I mean, if I can't sleep, I might as well spend the night having some fun.

Several cops chase a car with their sirens on. Gun shots go off. And like routine, I sling into action.


The guys driving the get away notice me through the mirrors, and one of them directs their aim towards me.


These morons are just wasting amo. They keep shooting at me, they'll run of bullets. Might as well make them worth it.

I bounce off the roof of a cop car on to the stolen car. Suddenly, these idiots think it's smart shooting at something they can't see. I move back towards the rear window.

Why not make it into a fancy car?

I grab the edges of the roof and tear it clean off. Their screams follow.


I hear the clicks of an empty gun. The one in the passenger's seat chucks his gun at me, but a simple movement to the left makes that attack useless.

"What are you waiting for, huh," I question, "I'm right here and you have a clear shot."

The car swerves and he goes for the punch.


"I don't think so," I restrict. I crush his fist with my hand and he screams. My Spider-Sense tingles, letting me know there's an incoming danger.

Suddenly, I feel myself propelling into a building. A loud KSHHH! along with metal folding and breaking follows. I land on the side of a building and observe the wreck.

One of them is knocked unconscious. The other attempts to gather his bearings. I crawl towards him and he notices my movement. Without hesitation, he grabs his gun and points it towards me.

"I'll kill you!" He warns.

I keep moving. His hand shakes as his finger on the trigger refuses to move.

"Don't get any closer! I swear to God, I'll blow your brains out."

"Do it, then." I command. He panics and begins to pull away but I make the gun meet my forehead.

"I said shoot me."

"You're crazy! You bastard, you're crazy!"

I lift him by his collar and say, "I'm not afraid to die. I will not hold back especially for people you who kill others for a car."

The gun shakes in his hand.

"Pull. The. Trigger."

The gun falls to the ground.



I web his mouth shut and dangle him by the leg on a nearby lamp post. He struggles to free himself.

"Keep wriggling and you'll fall and crack your head open. So I suggest you make it last while the cops get here."

On the horizon, orange begins to invade the sky.

Time for my 5 minutes of sleep.

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