The New Reality

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**This is a continuation of Heroes Fall. I might make this a small series just to have fun with my writing abilities, too. It will have elements from Secret Empire just in case anyone notices similarities.

I hear metal clanking behind me. A familiar sound. My Spider-Sense starts to act up, but I don't have much strength to evade the potential danger. Facing the puddle of blood on the ground, I shout, "What do you want?" I heard a cackle. Did I laugh? Maybe I'm losing my mind because I swear that person's cackling was mine. Only, it wasn't. There was a distinct amount of malevolence in it to not make it mine. I haven't heard that combination since the war against the Inheritors and the Spider-Army.

"Ahahahaha! Peter Parker...I see you're still the failure I envisioned you to be. Perhaps it is time to accept the truth? Victory's ours. The loss is yours. It is traditional in a war to take the loser's possessions. I already took liberty of that right. This time, I didn't have to transfer my consciousness into you but rather a body of a proto clone your so called 'brother' Ben created," monologued the figure behind me.

I turn around to face this villain and ask, "What did you just say?"

The figure wore a white spandex with an emblem of an Octopus using an neon yellow and black color scheme. Four mechanical arms emerged from his back. He removed his mask and smirked, "Oh? Did I hit a soft spot when I mentioned Ben Reilly? Don't worry about him. I turned him into a pile of ash. Just a large jolt from his cell stabilizer did the trick. As I fried his brain, I felt a small amount of satisfaction knowing what it will sound like when I peel off your skin!"

The person I was looking at was me. He had my face. My voice. Then, he spoke again and I realized who he was.

"You might be confused on why I know about Ben why I have a clone body of you. But I assure you: it will all come back when you acknowledge my superiority."

Otto Octavius

My rage starts boiling inside me. Otto was brought back by Ben because he knew Otto should be a given another chance to redeem himself in this world. Then, he killed him. I clench my fist and say, "I've punched my own self right across the face while you were in control before. I'm willing to do it again. The only difference is, I won't hold back."

A laugh echoes.

"Give it your best shot, Parker."

A mechanical arm shoots forward and I jump back. My muscles screamed in pain, but I keep pushing myself to dodge his on coming attacks. "Just keep going..." I thought to myself. A tentacle strikes the ground, and I took the opportunity.


He catches me by the wrist with his tentacle and begins to crush it slowly.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" I scream in agony. The pain is unbearable. How was he this strong? The only person stronger than Ben and I was Kaine, but Kaine was already dying from cellular degeneration. He was the last of the original clones. Unless Ben and Warren discovered the cure for his cell degeneration.


I web Otto's face and kick him with all my might causing him to drop me and stumble back. "Nnngh...Not the same with the new adjusted weight, huh? All those times I told you to lose a couple, I meant as in work out, not cheat and use a clone body. For a scientist with a Ph.D, you're not very smart," I cracked.

I could see his eyes through the cracked eye piece. "You fool. I didn't gain an advantage. I made the fight equal for once. Maybe like that, we'll see who's the superior-"

"Yeah! Yeah! The Superior Spider-Man. Alrighty, handsome, let's dance."

My Spider-Sense starts to tingle. There's something...big coming from behind. I glanced behind me and notice a HYDRA army of foot soldiers marching up to Ock and I's location.

My web shooters are running out of juice and I only have enough to make an escape. (And maybe even slam Otto with a nearby taxi)


What the- I flick my wrist forward and nothing happens. "Ah shit. One web should be enough." I push down on the ground and rocket into the sky. Maybe, I could make it to some safety quickly. Then, something catches me by the ankle. Otto had pursued me. One of his mechanical arms dangled me in the skyline. New York was nearly a wasteland. I could see Hell's Kitchen trapped in a dark bubble. Explosions went off. A "HAIL HYDRA!" was heard off in the distance. Soldiers occupied the streets more than citizens.


"All of this... because you lost, Parker. Because you failed to protect the people. Maybe, they'll be safe under our rule," Octavius laughed. I clench my fist and sucker punch him.

Both of us fall down several stories as we take shots at each other. If both of us die like this, I'll make sure he hits the ground first.

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