♥Chapter 12- The Deal♥

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Liiza's POV

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Liiza's POV

Give it to me I'm worth it.

Baby, I'm worth it.
I'm worth it.
Gimmie, Gimmie I'm worth it.

Rolling over in my bed, I slam the snooze button sleepily.

It's Monday. Which means school.

After taking a quick shower, I wrap my towel around my body and head to my walk in wardrobe. I pick out a few outfits and prop them up against my body, trying to formulate what I'm going to wear.

Finally, I go with a white, cropped sweater and dark blue wash, ripped jeans paired with white Adidas sneakers and gold accessories.

Finally, I go with a white, cropped sweater and dark blue wash, ripped jeans paired with white Adidas sneakers and gold accessories

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I grab my phone. One new notification: Rilee. Hey babs, can't pick you up today. Sorry. :,(

How am I going to get to school? I'll have to call Zach to pick me up.

I flick to the phone app and scroll down to his number but I am interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I call. The door opens to reveal Cass.

"Morning Liiza, just wanted to pop in and say breakfast is ready. Andree is already eating."

I nod my head in response, flashing a quick smile, and she leaves me to finish getting ready.

I have already been here for an entire week and nothing really has happened. Sure, there was that time, but other than that it's been pretty uneventful.

After walking downstairs, I slide into the stool two seats away from Andree at the breakfast bar.

"Good morning." I mutter, serving myself some cereal in the bowl in front of me.

"Morning." He grunts, his eyes unwavering from his phone.

Soon after finishing breakfast, I hear a car honk.

Andree promptly stands from his chair, grabbing his black backpack from his floor.

"Do you need a lift?" He asks, sighing audibly.

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