♥Chapter 24- Is there something we're missing there♥

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Liiza's POV

It's fun. I'm starting to love it here. I get to eat a lot and i also have a ps4 to stay awake all night and play with free WiFi, though he doesn't let me log in my account or make a new account. Who knew that it's actually not that bad to be kidnapped by your lover.

Right now some guys are fixing the cable so I can watch TV. It's totally amazing but not as much as it is with Rilee and Zach.

"Done" the muscular guy sighs and got up

"Thank you" I smile at him and stretch my hands and he shakes it.

"Alfie" He says with a hint of British accent.

"Liiza" I replied and he frowns

"I knew I saw you some where. Is this some kind of a joke? Why is there a missing report of you when you are here?" he asks and my eyes widen.

"OMG thank you so much! Please I need you to hel-" Before I could finish, the door opened revealing Flynn.

"Ok then. I'm gonna get going" He gave me an apologetic smile and left.

"So you wanna check the chanel's?' Flynn asks.

"I wanna take a shower. Can I go to the bathroom?" I ask and he nods then motions me to follow him.

We walk toward the door and he opens it and there was a very beautiful hall. I look around I awe and continue walking till we reach a door.

"Here. Don't try to outsmart me" He warns and I nod before entering the washroom.

After like 15minutes shower, I walked out the bathroom wearing the same cloths I wore before I was kidnapped. My hair is soaking wet, in fact even the shirt and jeans are wet because I didn't dry my body before wearing them. It's so uncomfortable.

"You done?" Flynn asks and came towards me with a white bag.

"Yeah" I nodded.

"Here. Change into this. It'll be more comfortable" He stretches his hands and I take the bag the he shoots me a smile.

"K. Thanks" I smile back then walk into the bathroom.

I change into the yellow shirt and shorts.

I look at myself in the mirror and kept thinking of how it would be to be living with Flynn.

It won't be that bad but he's gonna keep me away from my friends. I have to make now friends. hell he could even drag me away with him to another country!

"Are you dead or did you sneak out of the bathroom window?" Flynn asks which quickly snaps me out of my thoughts then he unlock the door before walking back into the room which is more like a dungeon with TV and ps4.

"Here. I'm gonna have to go right so I'll come back later till then you can play games or something" He informs before walking out.

I sigh and sit on the floor then continued thinking.

What do I do?

How do I get out of this place?

I can't take it anymore. Its driving me crazy

How do I escape from this psychopath?

I have to do something. I mean its not like its not fun. He gave me a TV, free WiFi, Ps4 and.

A Ps4

That's it. I have a way to contact Zach.

He has the Ps app on his phone which means that if I send him a message, he'll receive it through his phone. That's all I have to do.

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