👋♥Chapter 36-GoodBye♥👋

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I can't believe I'm saying this but.... This is the last chapter and...... Guess who it's dedicated to...


Yup. It is. You have been awesome and have commented and voted for a lot of the chapters thanks

And, thanks to you'all for 4k reads. I couldn't believe my eyes.

I know for some of you it's so less but for me, it's like a dream come true.

A few months ago I started this story and I didn't even think I would reach 1k. I wanted to stop writing but some of you motivated me with your comments.

Especially @MylanDitchellfp and @Invisiblelover two of you have been here since the beginning and motivated me a lot.

Thank You


Liiza's POV

Today is the day. Were leaving.

I'm leaving my friends. I'm leaving my home and going to a whole new place to live.

I'm leaving Zach, Rilee, Daniel, Corbyn, Jack, and Jonah.

I can't even imagine how fast these 2weeks passed.

I did get to spend a lot of time with the guys. I had sleep overseas with Rilee. Movie Matrons with them. Etc.

"Are you done packing Honey?" Mom comes in my room.

"Yeah" I nodded and smiled sadly.

"Aww honey I'm so sorry. we didn't mean to take you away from your friends" She hugs me.

"It's OK mom. It's not like we had a choice. Its work and it's important" I pulled out of the hug.

"I'm gonna go check on Lucas." She nods and walked.

I fall on my bed and curled up into a ball.

How is this gonna work? How am I gonna be able to stay away from my friends? I mean I'm happy that Andree is there but me and Zach. Are we really ready for a long distance relationship?

Will we be able to do it? Can we maintain it?

Knock knock

I raised my head to see who is at my door only to find Rilee and Zach.

Riles walk to the bed and curls with me while Zach takes out his phone and started taking a picture.

"Stop!" I laughed and blocked my face with my hands.

"Zach! You're gonna delete them all" Rilee exclaimed.

"In your dreams ladies," He chuckled.

"Come on kids" Dad screamed from downstairs.

Zach stopped and put his phone back in his pocket then helped the both of us up and we made our way downstairs.

My luggage's are already in a car, more like a jeep.

I frown when I realized that the other boys are not here.

"They will meet us there" Zach explained realizing my confusion. I nodded then we both walk outside till the car.

Rilee, Zach, Lucas and I are in a different car while Mom and Dad are I'm the care with our luggage's.

Then the car drove us to the airport.

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