♥Chapter 22 - No you cheated♥

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Zach's POV

"So what do we do?" I ask pacing around the room.

Right now we are all thinking of what to do to save Liiza from that maniac.

"Before you do anything, is anyone gonna tell us who is this Flynn" Jack asked then Daniel, Andree and Corbyn nodded too.

I look towards Lucas and he nods then we all went and sat down on the couch.

"Ok, Flynn is an ex friend of ours" I start "Lucas and Flynn were really close which is why I, Jonah and Liiza befriended him. He would visit us a lot and 80% of the time he would flirt with Liiza. Lucas wasn't really a fan of his sister and his best friend dating which is why he started to keep them apart but Flynn didn't like it which is why he reached out to Jonah and brain washed him saying that I am trying to keep him away from Liiza and that I'm evil. I don't know what type of an idiot he is to believe that"

I glance at Jonah saying that and his cheeks turn red then I continue

"Then they finally made a plan together. Flynn keeps I and Lucas busy while Jonah takes her to his house. Flynn tried to misbehave with her and Jonah knew about it but said nothing. He Finally gives up and tells us everything. We all rush to save her, we were almost too late but after saving her we vented all the anger on Jonah and broke our 14years friendship"

"Worst moment of my life" Jonah sighs and rubs his temples.

"But that's not the end" I started again "Flynn didn't stop. He got worst. He tried to kill us all and get Liiza. He acted all nice and said he regrets doing all he did and wanted to be friends again. We forgave him then few days later he gave us a call saying that he had been kidnapped we should come and help him"

"Of course," Logan muttered.

"He sent us the address and after we went their, it was a cabin, an old one. We entered and but instead of seeing him trapped, the doors got locked and he was right behind us. He told us his entire plan saying he got us here to get rid of us and other things then he set the cabin on fire and ran out but locked the door, but what he didn't think about is that we had our phones with us"

"Wait, but why the hell would you go without your parents?"

"We felt like superheros, of course we'll save him ourselves" Lucas replied.

"Anyways, we called Liiza and told her to come with the cops. After a while we started getting out of oxygen and everything was getting blurry, some of us fell unconscious but and the door burst open revealing Liiza and a cop. They help us out and Flynn was taken away. He had 3years sentence in juvie" I explain.

"Wow" Corbyn exclaims "He's insane" Corbyn says.

"So now you're saying that Liiza is with him?" Jack asks and I nod.

"Well we have to do something cause he doesn't sound like he's in his stable mind" he adds.


Liiza's POV

"Eat it!" Flynn scolds.

He's been trying to make me eat but i'm not budging. I may be as hungry as hell but better to be safe than sorry. Who knows what he added in the food.

It could be Sleeping pills or even poison. He might also wanna kill me.

I'm not very flirty which is why its hard for me to be able to fake love him. I have to start acting like I love him. That is the only way for me to escape.

"Fine" I finally agree then pull the plate of pasta in front of me and he left.

Here goes nothing

I took a spoonful of the pasta and surprisingly it's tasty. I took more and more and more till i finish. I felt like licking the plate but i had to hold back because of the two weird rocks standing in front of me.

I glance at them and gave a weak smile "Hey!" i wave at them.

No reply. Same arrogant expression. Not even slight move. They are standing like statues.

"So... Hows your day going?" i asked


"Mine would have been awesome if i wasn't locked up here" I said looking around.


"You have kids or sisters? If you do, how would you feel if you sister/kid was in my place?" I asked


"You know your boss... He's kinda cute" I smile

One of then snort and that moment I had a little victory dance in my head.

He immediately clears his throat and turn back into the arrogant statue mode.

I stood up on my feet and walk up to them then started tickling the one that snorted but nothing. I tried the same on the other but he didn't move either.

"Oh come on" I sigh "You must have at least a lil bit of human left in you!" I complain.

I'm trying to start a conversation here and they're ignoring me. This is the worst place I'd wanna stay in.

"Say something" I hit him on the chest then the door opens. I look towards it and saw the most precious things in my life.

"Hey darling" Flynn says.

Not Flynn idiots. I'm talking about the two bowls of pistachio ice cream and two nutella jars that he's holding.

I ran up to him to snatch one of them but no luck. He raise his hands up and even though I jump I couldn't reach it then I pout.

"Wait. Let everything come then we can start eating" he comments and I frown

"Everything?" I asked confused.


2hours later.

I take back my comment. The place is actually fun.

"No! You cheated!" I shout.

"That's what losers always says" He sticks his tongue at me.

"So mature" I roll my eyes.

Right now me and Flynn are playing a racing game on his PS4. He brought lots and lots of snacks then a TV and PS4. He said I will soon be receiving my own room.

Even though I'm actually enjoying this place, I still miss Rilee and Zach.

We always used to play games on my PS4. We had 4 controllers. The 4th one is usually randomly used. We all have ours. I was so much fun. I miss them.

"You told me you lost everything right" I say and he just hums in reply "Then where exactly did you get the money for all these?", I ask.

"That doesn't matter" he shrugs it off and restarts the game which took my mind off the question.



Well seems like Flynn isn't as bad as I taught he is.

He truly loves her but he's mental tough right....

Don't forget to vote.

Loves♥♥, Hugs and Kisses to you all.



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