♥Chapter 21 - Flynn is back♥

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Lucas Starr♥♥

Liiza's POV

I have been sitting in this empty room for hours and hours, Thinking.

Everything made sense to me. When Flynn said "I took care of three. Two more left to go then we'll finally be together",

He was the cause of Zach, Corbyn, and Jacks accident obviously. He wants to be with me. He's stuck up on me and the only way to escape is by acting to love him.

I kept thinking and thinking and thinking till I fall asleep.


I wake up because of the water that was splashed on my face.

I instantly jump up from the hard floor, my shirt was soaked.

"What the hell was that for?" I snapped at the rock standing in front of me but he just scoffs and walked toward the door to open it wide for Mr. Jerk face to come in. You know what I mean.

I roll my eyes the moment I see him come in.

"Hey darling" He greets and pulls me in for a tight hug.

I push him of and cross my arms over my chest.

"Let me go. I need to go to my friends" I shout.

"Nu uh uh" he says shaking his fingers. "I'm pretty sure your friends don't even realize that you're lost" he continues " Then why worry?"

"Look, you may do whatever you want but I'm gonna promise you something" I stare at him right in the eyes "My friend will find me and that day, will be the last for you cause they won't spare you" I spat.

He looks at me for a few seconds before bursting out to laughter. "You're hilarious. That's why I love you"

I roll my eyes at his comment then walk backwards till my back hit the wall and I slide down.

"So... You wanna start blackmailing?" He asks and I frown "But first of all, let's get you some new cloths" He says and clasps his hands then someone comes in and hands him some cloths.

He walks over to me and take my hand then place the cloths "I don't need it" I lied then throw it on his face.

I'm freezing to death here. My shirt is soaking wet cause of the jug of water that was splashed on my face.

He sighs then looks at me "Look darling, I love you. That's why I'm doing all this. So we can finally be together" he says and I scoff.

"Yeah. I heard that people usually splash water on the people they loves face to wake them up or kidnap them" I said, sarcastically.


Zach's POV

"But what brings you here?" I ask Lucas.

Lucas is Liiza's twin brother. He has the same Grey eyes as her. The only difference between them is that Liiza got the fathers blonde hair and Lucas got their mothers dirty blonde hair.

They look so much alike that a person can immediately guess that they are siblings. Though he's a minute older than her.

"I finished my exams which is why I called mom and pleaded her to let me continue school with Liiza" he answers "What happened to you three" He asked referring to Corbyn Jack and I.

"Just an accident last night" I wave it off.

"An accident! That's intense" His eyes widen and I nod "So... Where's Liiza? I haven't seen her since I came and our the house, its locked and empty" He comments.

We all look at each other awkwardly then I glance at Lucas. He has a puzzled expression.

We can't just tell him that his sister has gone missing. I mean he's very overprotective towards Liiza and he finding out that she's missing, it's gonna make him freak.

"Well, hello" he snap his fingers twice "I'm asking something" he adds.

"Yeah well ummmm..... Actually" I start.

Ring ring ring.....

My phone rings and I immediately picked it up.

I don't think I can tell Lucas anything now. I mean we've not even confirmed that she's lost. Maybe she spent the night with someone. Like a friend from school.

I frown when I see an unknown number calling.

"Who's it?" Andree asks "Is it Liiza?" He adds and I shake my head.

"No. Its an unknown number" I answer then accept the call.

"Hello?" I started.

"Well doesn't it feel so good to hear your voice again?" The first thing the male voice says the moment I greeted and I frown.

"Who's this?" I ask and glace at the others. They were looking at me curiously so I just remove the phone from my ear and put in on loud speaker.

"You already forgot me? I can't believe that!" he exclaims.

"Who. Are. You?" I ask once again.

I don't have any idea who this guy is but his voice does sound familiar.

"I'm sure you'll remember me after this" he says. Then I heard another voice talk through the phone.

"Zach! Zach! Don't listen to anything he says" I realize that it's Liizas voice. But who could have taken her?

"Liiza!" Lucas shouts into the phone.

"Now if you want your friend back, you have to do as I say" He says last before ending the call.

I call back 3 times but no answers then out of Anger I almost throw the phone on the floor. The only reason I didn't was because this is the only way we can contact Liiza.

"Who the hell is that and why does he have my sister?" Lucas asks.

His face was red and trust me, boiling red. Heat could be coming out if it.

"Look Lucas I don't know who that is but am as worried as you are" I replied.

He walks up to me and grabs my shirt "What is going on" he snaps once again.

"I told you that I'm just as worried, how am I suppo-" I couldn't get to finish cause Jonah already answered for me

"Flynn is back" He says and all our eyes widen except for Jack, Corbyn and Daniel who have puzzled expressions cause they know nothing about Flynn.


Well I have nothing to say.
Atleast they know about Flynn.

Anyways here is the chapter I promised.

Don't forget to vote.

Loves♥♥, Hugs and Kisses to you all.



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