Chapter Six

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Josh's POV

I decide to go for a walk because I can't sleep. Im worried about Tyler. He looked so sad. I get out of my house without my parents seeing and jog down the street. It's freezing considering it's late. I slow to a walk once im out of view from the house. I look forwards to see the start of the forest. As I look closely I notice someone walking into the forest. What are they doing? I keep walking, noticing the person has stopped to tie their shoelace. It's...Tyler?! What is he doing? I notice him start to head into the forest at a walking pace. Should I follow him? Omg Josh you dummy, read his mind! I keep walking as I focus my mind on Tyler and attempt to read his.

Okay so which tree? That one is perfect!

Tree? Perfect? For what?

I walk faster until I see him climbing a tall tree. He gets to a branch and sits looking out at the forest. I am two trees away, hiding.

Holy shit, okay im gonna do this...then I'll be free...

Do what?

I notice a rope in his hands as he ties it into a-oh god no way...he can' Tyler no! Tyler ties the noose and slips it over his neck, then ties it to the tree branch. What do I do?! If I run and yell he will most likely fall off and die anyway...I could use my power...shit Dun what am I gonna do?!

What was that song? Oh yeah, Trees. How the hell did it go a-no that's Goner...oh yeah!

"I know, where you stand, silent, in the trees, and that's, where I am, silent, in the trees" Tyler start's to sing.

His voice is perfect, sounds like an angel!

"Why won't you speak? Where I happen to be, silent, in the trees, standing cowardly" Tyler continues.

He just sits on the branch ready to hang. He keeps looking up at the sky and singing. Is he singing to someone? God perhaps?

"I can feel your breath, I can feel my death, I want to know you, I want to see, I want to say, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello..." Tyler trails off.

I can only just see in the moonlight, Tyler's tearstained face. Why is he doing this?

Here goes nothing...three...two...on-



''  I say in Tyler's head as he looks around.

W-who are y-you...


Okay...Tyler you're going mad...this Josh voice isn't real, you're just crazy...

'You're not going mad Tyler...'

How do you know my name?!

'I just do.'  I say to Tyler telepathically.

I decided not to show who I am so he can't come up to me in school and figure out who I am or at least treat me differently due to my power. Id hate to be disliked by Tyler.

How are you doing this Josh?



'Why are you so weird about it?' I say defensively.

Josh...c-can y-you see me?

'No...'  I lie.

Oh thank god! Wait...can you still hear my thoughts...?

'Yeah haha...'  I laugh nervously in his head.

Oh god. Well anyway...

'Tyler, please stay alive...please...'

W-what? Why wouldn't I be a-alive...?

'I um...'  Shit...I just told him I couldn't see him and now im saying that...if I say I can see the noose, he will know I was lying about not being able to see him...

'I just felt like I needed to say that...' im g-gonna go home...b-bye...

'Goodnight Tyler'  I say as I see Tyler take the rope off and climb down the tree.

I follow Tyler quietly as he walks home. Tyler goes inside his house and I start to walk home. I can now go to bed knowing Tyler is fine. Let's just hope Tyler doesn't realize im the same Josh he knows from school...

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