Chapter Nine

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Josh's POV

I hide around the corner of a few lockers as I see Tyler walk into school. As he walks down the empty hallway I see a kid walk out of a classroom and mumble something to Tyler. Tyler did the most unexpected thing! Tyler keeps walking with an angry expression as he lift's his arm, turning his fist into a gun and pointing it at the kid. Tyler shakes his head as the kid fly's across the hallway and slams into the lockers untouched. It was amazing really! Tyler managed to push the kid without even touching him!

"Shut up fucker!" Tyler spits as he keeps walking.

I think he thought it was only them both in the hallway? I rush to art class before Tyler notices I just watched him do some Star Wars shit. Does he have the force? Nah surely Star Wars isn't real...or is it? He could be Darth motherfucking Vader  and he could have just used Force Push on the kid! I guess I'll never know...

I sit in class continuing the drawing I've been doing for about three weeks when I notice Tyler isn't here. He seemed pretty pissed yesterday in the forest...

"Yo dude what the fuck are you drawing?" Gerard laughs.

"It's an alien with a cap and a top that says 'I want to believe'..." I say defensively.

Before Gerard can reply the classroom door slams open and an angry looking Tyler stands glaring at me.

"Josh, follow me!" Tyler spits.

I look at the teacher and he has a shocked expression on his face; he just shrugs. Everyone watches me as I stand up and follow an angry Tyler out the door. Silently Tyler leads me out the school and into the he going to kill me? He better not use Force Choke on me!

He better tell the truth or im killing him! Wait...Josh are you reading my mind...?

I stay silent and pretend I never did read his mind. Tyler looks back at me with anger flowing in his eyes.

"Okay..." Tyler says as we stop suddenly.

I look around and realize we are where we always go to talk.

"Josh, this might sound fucking crazy but you better tell the truth..." Tyler starts.

"C-can you read m-my mind..." He asks, shifting his weight from one foot to another.

"If I answer, you answer a question of mine." I say crossing my arms across my chest.

"What? No." He says in shock.

"Well then im not answering!" I say with a smile.

God this boy will be the death of me!

"Fine..." Tyler agrees.

"Yes." I say.

" actually agree that you can read my mind...?" Tyler says shocked.

"Well yeah..." I say rubbing my neck in discomfort.

"WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU SAY?!" Tyler yells.

"I did..."

"No you didn't!"

"Yes I did. You asked what my name was and I said Josh, you then asked how I look and I told you I have red hair and other shit!" I say defensively.

"Why didn't you show yourself?" Tyler asks, clearly still pissed off.

"First of all did you use Force Push today?" I ask.

"What the fuck is Force Push?!" Tyler asks.

"You know, like off Star Wars...they use The Force...?" I say as Tyler gives me a blank look of 'What the fuck are you on?'

"Wait, you've never seen Star Wars?!" I say shocked.

Tyler shrugs.

"Well if it wasn't Force Push, which by the way would be sick! Then how did you push the kid against the lockers today?" I ask.

Tyler tenses up and lets out a shaky breath.

"Y-you saw m-me..."

"Yeah." I shrug.

"How did you do it?" I push.

"Telekinesis..." Tyler says quietly.

"Tele-what?" I say.

"Telekinesis also known as's where you can move stuff and do other shit with your mind..." Tyler says.

"That's sick!" I exclaim.

"It's a fucking curse!" Tyler says as he looks down.

"Did you kill the kid that was beating you up at school?" I ask.

Tyler looks at me with anger returning.

"Shut the fuck up and answer my question!" He says in anger as I hold my hands up in surrender.

"Geez...I didn't show myself because I was scared you would hate me or treat me differently at school if you found out I have the power of Telepathy...but I was going to tell you when I saw you throw the tree a-" I get cut off by a punch to my shoulder.

"What was that for?" I ask looking at Tyler.

"YOU SAW ME?!" He screams.

"I-Im sorry..." I say quickly.

"You lied to me..."

"Im sorry Tyler!" I yell as Tyler runs out of the forest to his house im assuming.

I walk out of the forest and go home. Man I feel bad for lying...

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