Chapter Fourteen

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Tyler's POV your mom gave you condoms and lube...for us to use? I say in my head to Josh.

'Yeah...she was super okay with our relationship and then she gave me the stuff and was all "You be careful with Tyler" and it was just so weird...'  Josh telepathically replies.


'Also mom wants you to come for tea tonight...'  Josh says.

I choke on nothing and begin to cough loud.

"Mr. Joseph, do you need to step out for a drink or something?" Mrs. Wells says.

I shake my head as I catch my breath and stop coughing.

'Tyler? You okay? Helloooo?'

Sorry I was sure, meet at your locker.

'Okay, bye babe.'  Josh says as my cheeks heat up.

Bye Jishwa.

"Hey, let's go." Josh says to me as I walk to his locker.

Meeting his parents are scary! What are they gonna think of me? What if the father hates me!

"Tyler, what's wrong?" Josh asks as my breathing quickens.

"N-Nothing..." I mumble, barely audible.

"Ty, what is making you panic?" Josh stops and grabs my arm.


"Say it Ty." Josh pushes.

"W-What if your p-parent's hate me?!" I panic.

"My mom wont, trust me." He smiles yet his eyes look kind of sad...

"And what about your father?" I say.

Josh looks down and rubs the back of his neck.

"Um...I d-don't really have a-a d-dad..." Josh whispers.

"Oh my god Josh im sorry!" I say fast.

Great job Tyler, you made Josh sad! You should feel really guilty now... Blurry whispers in my ear.

I look down while tears threaten to spill.

"Um...let's go...m-moms waiting..." Josh mumbles as we start walking.

There is a thick and saddening silence as we walk towards Josh's house.

Josh's POV

We keep walking towards my house silently. I don't mean to make Tyler feel bad; I just get like this when talking about my's kind of a touchy subject...

We get to my house and I walk forward to open the door when Tyler burst's into tears.

"Tyler?!" I say as I turn around; concern and worry dripping off me.

Tyler holds his head in his trembling hands while crying. I wrap my arms around him and let him cry into my shoulder.

"Ty, what's wrong?!" I say.

"I-Im sor-sorry Josh..." Tyler cries into my shoulder.

"Ty it's okay, honest." I reply as I rub circles on his back.

After about five minutes Tyler finally stops crying and wipes his eyes. He looks at me and I smile softly. My babyboy has red eyes and a pout.

"Let's get inside, it's pretty cold out here." I say as he nods his head.

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