Chapter Twenty

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Josh's POV

We get to Taco Bell, I drove Patrick, Ray, Dallon and Tyler while Brendon drove Ryan, Gerard, Mikey, Pete and Frank; the lucky fucker has a big-ass car his mom bought him! On the way Dallon, Patty, Ray and I were talking about music but Tyler seemed nervous...he was silent. He never talks anymore...he's changed heaps.

"Let's sit over there." Gerard points at a booth.

"We won't all fit in there!" Frank says.

"We will make us fit." Gerard replies as we all squish into a booth.

We all talk while waiting for the waitress to come over as I notice Tyler biting his lip; he's nervous about something...what is he nervous about?

"Hello boys, may I take your orders?" The waitress says as she takes out a pen and paper from her apron.

We all order apart from Tyler.

"Ty, you gonna eat?" I ask.

"U-Um...n-no..." He mumbles.

"Why?" Ryan asks.

Tyler's head falls as he bites his lip again.

"N-Not hungry..." He whispers.

It is obvious he is hiding something...what though?

Fuck im starving... I read Tyler's mind.

"Ty, can I talk to you for a sec?" I say as he looks at me with worry.

Did he just read my-no he wouldn't of...right?

He nods and we go into the bathroom. I turn to see Tyler biting his lip and looking down.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"N-Nothing..." He says.

"Tyler, what is it? You're not eating! Taco Bell is your favorite..." I say with concern.

"Nothing Josh, just leave it!" Tyler says, clearly pissed off by me asking.

"No. Tyler, I need to know so I can help you." I say, waving my arms around.

"JOSH! JUST FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE!" Tyler screams as tears fall.

"Ty-" I try to say but Tyler run's out of the bathroom fast.

I sigh. He's probably convincing the gang that he is okay right now...I head out of the bathroom and go sit down.

"Dude, what happened?! One minute we are talking, next minute we hear Tyler yell and see him run out of here..." Brendon says.

I shrug. Suddenly my appetite is gone.

"Eat." Patrick says.

"Im not hungry anymore..." I say.

Im not lying; im worried sick about Tyler! He isn't eating, I noticed a few days ago but hoped he would decide to eat soon...he also hasn't had good thoughts; I've read some pretty sad thoughts of his...I just want the old Tyler back...the one I fell in love with...

Fuck you Jason for taking Tyler away from me!

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