Chapter Thirty One

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Tyler's POV

I wake up and see the time is 2am. I look over next to me to see Josh sleeping calmly. Part of me wants to stay for Josh but the other part is nagging at me; telling me I have to do it.

Hurry up and kill yourself. Josh and everyone else will be better off when you're gone. Blurry says to me as I sigh.

I thought you were gone...

Like I said before, I come when you need me most...

Blurry's right though; they are better off without me...

Of course im right. I care what you think Tyler.

I get up silently, not waking up Josh as I go over to my desk and get the letters and my diary. I look through the letters and sit them on the desk so Josh will find them easy. I then look at my suicide plan and shut my diary; leaving it on my desk. I go to my closet and find my rope I keep for when I was gonna kill myself last time. I put it in a bag and leave the room, shutting the door softly. I head off to the forest. Yeah we did just have sex but that doesn't change the fact that I want to die...

Josh's POV

I jolt awake from the sound of a door closing. Tyler. I shoot out of bed and go to his door. Before I open it I notice letters and his diary on his desk. I pick up the letter addressed to me and open it.

Josh, I love you and im sorry.

You are the best person I know; you deserve to be happy and I can't make you happy. You deserve a guy that you can hug and can give you so much more than I provide. Thank you for always being there for me when I treated you like crap...

Please don't forget our good memories...just forget the bad ones...

Remember when we first met and you read my mind? I used to never believe in love at first sight, now I can easily say it's true. You made me so nervous when we met; in art class. You were sitting next to each other and I thought you hated me. I had a crush on you straight away. And god when I heard your voice, it was angelic!

Remember when you first spoke telepathically to me? In the forest. I was so scared. I remember you saying for me to wait-not kill myself. You said your name and I was so rude to you. What about when you made the kid beating me up punch his friend? Then I was pissed at you for not telling me it was you that spoke to me in my head. I pushed you into the cleaner's closet. Oh god, the you remember that? I hope you do...

Do you remember the first time seeing me use my power? I shoved a kid into a locker? And you thought I used 'Force Push' and I had no clue what you were talking about...still don't.

What about me meeting the gang for the first time, remember that? I had a panic attack but you were with me the whole way though...

Remember being caught lying to your mom about sleeping over at Gerard's? Omg and remember what she gave you? I guess you can use that stuff now that im gone...

Remember Brendon getting all protective over me? That was pretty funny. He was more protective than my own dad.

What about the time you pretended you were a Taxi driver! That was kind of hot if im being honest. Then you cooked us 2 minute noodles because you couldn't cook anything else. God these memories get me choked up. The noodles were good though!

Josh I love you so much! Please don't forget those memories. They are just few of our many amazing memories. Don't come looking for me; I need to do this. Don't blame yourself either, it's my fault all of this has happened and I am so sorry...I wish I could have been a better boyfriend...

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