Chapter Twenty Six

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Tyler's POV

"Mr. Joseph?" I wake up to see a nurse standing next to the bed with a smile.

"You're free to go home now. The tests show nothing; you're all good. Dr. James said you must keep eating and drinking otherwise you will get sick again. Death is a possibility if you don't eat or drink for a long period of time." She says.

I nod. I want to die. I don't deserve my life anyway.

"Have a good day sir." She says as she disconnects me from machines and takes my feeding tube out.

She leaves with a smile.

I look to see no Josh. Was it a dream? Where is he? Did I make him leave? It's all my fucking fault...

As I get up my phone ding's.

Josh: Hey Ty. Hope you're feeling better after a sleep xo

Tyler: Hey Josh, thanks. I am free to go now. Im gonna call a taxi cab now. Xoxo

Josh: Meet me out the front. I will be there in 10.

Tyler: Okay thanks xx

I wait out the front of the hospital after checking out. I feel free finally. Shame my life is going to end soon...

*Beep Beep*  "Taxi cab at your service young sir." Josh says tooting the car horn.

I smile and get in.

"Where are you off to today sir?" Josh says in his most formal voice he could do.

I laugh.

"To my house please." I say with a smile.

"Sure thing sir." He says driving off.

I sigh. I missed being with Josh all the time. I can't get too close to him again though, he will only get hurt.

"What are you thinkin' of hotstuff?" Josh smirks and sideways glances at me.

"Ummmm...nothing much really." I say.

God he comes up with so many nicknames for me...I love it...

"Im joking; I can read your mind, remember? Hotstuff." Josh says with a smile.

Damn I keep forgetting that...

"I know." Josh says.

"Stop reading my mind Josh." I whine, extending the o in his name.

"Fine." He pout's in fake sadness.

I shake my head. Why do I fall in love with the cutest guy in Columbus?

We get to my house and go straight to my room. Im still exhausted but can't go to sleep otherwise I won't be able to sleep tonight. I notice a yellow diary on my desk.

"Who's is this?" I ask.

"It's you're diary. I put it there last time I came over, thought you might like something to write your feeling's 'n shit in. I have one too." Josh smiles.

I nod. This would be good to use to plan my suicide letters and stuff...

"Hey Tyler..." Josh says grabbing my attention away from the diary.

"What you said yesterday...about dying...were you serious about wanting to die?" Josh asks with a sad expression.

I sigh.



Josh's POV



I internally crumble. The love of my life want's to die...

"Um...what's this?" I ask, noticing a faint red patch on Tyler's wall.

It looks like it's been scrubbed numerous times with a sponge and water.

"I-I don't know how t-that got there..." Tyler says, suddenly nervous.

Totally not from punching the wall and screaming 'fuck you Josh'... Tyler thinks as I read his mind.

I hold back tears. Tyler need's help bad. Why was he punching a wall and screaming 'Fuck you Josh'? And why fuck me?

"Oh..." I mumble.

We sit and watch TV until lunch time.

"What do you want for lunch Ty?" I ask.

"Im not really um...hungry..." He says, obviously lying.

"Tyler, you're eating something. What do you want?" I say.

Tyler shrugs.

"I'll make something." I say as I get up and go into the kitchen.

I end up cooking 2 minute noodles because Chef Josh right here can't cook for shit.

"Here." I smile as I hand Tyler a bowl of noodles.

He replies with a small thanks.

I watch as Tyler slurps up a noodle. He then takes another mouthful. He catches me staring at him.

"Gonna watch me eat? Your noodles are gonna get cold." Tyler mumbles with a mouthful of noodles.

"Um just um...glad you're eating..." I say truthfully.


I finish my noodles fast. Tyler still has half a bowl full of noodles. I notice Tyler slowly eating.

"Keep going bub, you're doing great." I smile.

"Josh, im full. If I eat more im gonna throw it up." Tyler whines.

"Okay, fine. You've done great." I smile as I take our bowls to the sink.

I sit back down with Tyler as I see him hunched over looking down.

"J-Josh...I don't f-feel too good..." He mumbles whilst holding his stomach and closing his eyes.

"Just keep it down Tyler. Watch the TV and the sick feeling will leave. Your body just isn't used to eating so much food." I say, making sure not to touch him so he doesn't flinch and freak out.

He nods and sit's back watching TV.

It's about three hours later and Tyler is sleeping, head resting on my lap. He looks so cute! I pick him up and head to his room. As I lay him down he wakes a little.

"Josh..." He whispers with his eyes closed still.

"Im here baby." I whisper back.

"Sleep with me." He says.

"But what if I accidently touch you?" I say back.

"Shhh. Just get your ass in bed." He whispers.

I smile and get into bed after stripping down to my underwear. We both fall asleep soundly.

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