Chapter Eight

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I sit in art class drawing as the teacher finally decides to show up.

"Okay class, im taking the roll." He says as he pulls out a piece of paper with all of our names on it.








"Here." I say as I notice Joshua Dun walk into the classroom late.


"I prefer Josh thanks." Josh replies.

"Joshua is here." The teacher says, ignoring Josh's request.

The teacher keeps calling the roll as I look at Josh. He is talking to Gerard. His name reminds me of someone...or something...? I keep drawing as I hear my name being whispered. I look up to see Gerard laughing and a red-faced Josh. Are they talking about me? Gosh I hate when people do that, especially hot guys! Gerard is hot but no way near as hot as Josh!

Damn Tyler where have you heard the name Josh before?! I look up to see Josh watching me with an uncomfortable expression playing on his face; like he is waiting for me to do something.

God he is so fucking hot! I think as I watch him go bright red and turn away smirking.

What is he smirking at?

"Joshua, haven't had much sleep last night?" The teacher says as it clicks in my head.

Is Josh the same Josh that's in my mind?! He can't be...can he? Oh god imagine if he could hear my thoughts! I watch him carefully as he rubs his neck and nods his head.

"What were you doing Mr. Dun?" The teacher pushes.

Josh glances at me but quickly turns away once he sees me staring.

"I-I went for a-a walk...I couldn't s-sleep..." He mumbles.

Oh my god it is the same Josh...

"Oh and where were you off to last night on your walk?" The teacher says.

"Um...t-the f-forest..." Josh says with a red face.

Josh is really embarrassed and im kind of glad. If he is the fucking voice I swear I will kill him! I couldn't sleep last night thanks to that motherfucker!

"The forest? At what time?" The teacher replies.

"Why?" Josh mumbles.

"Because I want to know."

"A-About o-one t-thirty..." Josh says.

He is the voice.

FOLLOW ME! I say in my head so Josh will know who im talking to.

I get up scrunching my drawing and violently throwing it in the bin on the way out of the classroom. I walk fast down the hall and out the school.

I eventually reach the forest and stand in the middle where I met the voice last night.

You're the fucking voice! I yell in my head.

'Yes I am a voice...'

Describe your looks...

'Um...Red hair...muscle but not too much...tall but not too tall...'

Okay. Im going home.

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