Chapter Thirty

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I wake up and notice it is 5pm. I turn to see Tyler sleeping naked. Then it hit's me...we had sex earlier today...

"Tyler?" I say as I shake him awake.

"Hmmm? J-Josh, what?" He says with his eyes still closed.

"We need to have a shower." I say.

"No." He says as he pulls a pillow over his face, trying to sleep more.

"What will make you get in there?" I say.

"If I get fucked by a really hot guy in the shower." Tyler mumbles under the pillow.

"Is that sarcastic?" I ask.

"Depends. Want it to be sarcastic?" Tyler mumbles again.

"Fuck, Tyler we had sex earlier, are you even okay for round 2?" I say with concern.

Tyler pulls the pillow off his face and looks at me with a face of you've-got-to-be-fucking-kidding.

"Do I look like I can't handle round 2?" He says with a smirk.

I smile.

"Fine. I will fuck you in the shower. Go get in." I shake my head while holding a massive smile.

"Okay." Tyler says as he gets up and goes into the bathroom.

I follow after grabbing the lube off the floor. Tyler turns the shower on and wait's for it to heat up as I close the door.

"You sure you want to do this again Tyler?" I ask.

"Yes. Josh, before we did it I thought everyone would have sex like Jason and I did, you showed me that sex isn't always painful and scary. Thankyou." He says with a smile.

I set closer as Tyler flinches. I step back again as Tyler's face drops to sad.

"S-Sorry...I didn't mean to flinch..." He says.

"Don't worry baby" I say.

"Kiss me Joshua Dun." Tyler smiles.

"Sure thing Tyler Joseph.

I move closer and kiss him. We deepen the kiss, my tongue in his as he moans. I feel myself getting hard. I lift Tyler up so his legs are around my hips.

"P-Please daddy..." Tyler whispers in my ear.

"O-Okay." I say as I let Tyler down and get the lube, coating my cock.

I turn to see Tyler under the warm water waiting.

"Prep?" I ask.

"I think I will be fine, I might still be stretched from before." Tyler says.

I nod and begin kissing Tyler before he pulls away and start's laughing.

"What?" I ask.

"You probably didn't need lube, you could have used water!" Tyler laughs.

"Oh..." I laugh.

I pick Tyler up again, Tyler wrapping his legs around my hips as I slowly push in the tip of my lubed cock.

"F-Fuck yes daddy!" Tyler moans.

I push in more, slowly getting fully in as Tyler moans.

"W-Wait a sec." Tyler says as I let him adjust to the stretch.

"Okay go." Tyler says.

I begin pulling out and pushing in as Tyler moans loudly. I press Tyler against the wall, water covering us as I thrust into him, slowly getting faster. Tyler throws his head back, causing himself to hit his head on the tiled wall.

"Fuck." Tyler groans from hitting his head.

"Y-You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah...ah! Harder daddy! Oh god yes!" Tyler moans.

I push in harder, pulling out almost the whole way and slaming into him fast and hard.

"OH FUCK YES! THERE!" Tyler yells as I thrust into his prostate numerous times.

"Oh Tyler, baby-so good!" I moan.

"I-I know..." Tyler mumbles as I keep thrusting into him.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Yes daddy, give it to me daddy!" Tyler moans.

"I-Im gonna..." Tyler struggles to say as he comes hard.

My thrust's become sloppy as I come, filling Tyler with the sticky liquid.

"Ohhh, Josh you came so fill me up so well!" Tyler moans, feeling the liquid shoot into him.

I pull out and put Tyler down as we let the water wash cum off us.

"Thanks J-Josh..." Tyler says as he kisses me.

"Anytime." I smile.

We wash up and go back to bed. Both of us are tired now. Tyler falls asleep fast and soon I do too.

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