Chapter Twelve

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I wake up to Tyler peacefully sleeping next to me. I check the time on the clock and realize we are going to be late for school!

"Tyler, wake up! We will be late!" I say shaking him.

"Agh..." Tyler mumbles into the pillow as he curls up into a ball.

He is so cute in the morning!

"Ty, come on." I say shaking him.

"Fuck off mom..." Tyler says while trying his hardest to sleep a little longer.

"Im Josh not your mom..." I smirk.

"Suck a dick Josh!" Tyler says as he lies on his back with his eyes still closed.

"Fine." I say as I get on top of Tyler and straddle him.

"Oh my god Josh what the fuck are you doing?!" Tyler flicks his eyes open in shock.

"Sucking your dick..." I smirk.

"That was sarcastic but hey, my dick is free to be sucked anytime babe..." Tyler says as he looks into my mocha brown eyes.

"I would you see, is in five minutes..." I say.

"Five minutes is a lon-FIVE MINUTES?!" Tyler gets up, making me fall on the ground in the process.

"Sorry..." Tyler laughs.

We get dressed and get our bags packed ready for school.

"Hey Ty, I just realized, we can telepathically talk though class!" I say with a massive grin.

"OMG YES!" Tyler replies.

We get to school only just late and part ways. I have math first; fuck my life!

I sit in math while Patrick and Pete keep asking me where I went yesterday. What do I say? What if they ask Tyler as well and he gives a different answer?!

'Tyler, can you hear me?' I telepathically ask Tyler.

Yeah what's up?

'Dude my friends keep asking me where I went yesterday, what should I say?!'

I don't know...

'What are you going to say?'

I don't have anyone to say anything a loner remember?

'Fuck...sorry Ty...'

All good, im used to being alone.

'Im so bored! I've got math, what about you?'




'Meet at my locker after school?'

Yeah sure. Agh dude I got to go, coach is making us run I can be bothered!

'Aww princess is doing laps of the oval!'  I say as I hear Tyler sigh in his head.

Bye Joshie.

'Bye Tyjo.'

Tyler's POV

It's lunchtime. I walk into the cafeteria and see Josh sitting at a table with his group of friends. I walk to my lonely, empty table and sit down. Im not too hungry so I just sit and pick at my nails. I haven't been eating much lately. It's not like im starving myself; I've just lost my appetite since the panic attack...okay fine I do make myself not eat but I deserve it...It doesn't help that I kind of have a phobia of eating in front of people, I don't know's not like I care what they think...

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