Chapter Eleven

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Josh's POV

"TYLER! WAKE UP!" I yell as Tyler keeps screaming and frantically pleading for help.

"JOSH! JOSH STAY AWAY, I DON'T WANNA KILL YOU!" Tyler screams as sweat cover's him.

Is he having a dream that he's killing me?


"HELP PLEASE!" Tyler adds.

"TYLER IT'S A DREAM, WAKE UP!" I shout as I shake him.

"NO JOSH STAY ALIVE!" Tyler screams as he wakes up, panting heavily.

Tyler looks around and land's his eyes on me. He burst's into tears as I feel myself being pushed off the bed and onto the floor.

"Tyler, what the fuck?!" I say slightly pissed off.

Tyler just pushed me off the bed with his power...

"Im s-sorry..." Tyler sobs.

I get up onto the bed again and hug Tyler.

" dangerous...stay away from me..." Tyler pleads.

"You won't hurt me." I say confidently.

"Josh, I threw you off the a fucked up person...I shouldn't even be here..." Tyler sobs.

"Shut up." I say as I hug him protectively.

We hug in silence until Tyler calms down.

"Thanks Josh..." Tyler says.

"No problem Ty." I say.

We sit in silence for a few more minutes until my curious self decides to break the silence.

"Tyler...who is J-Johnny...?" I say as he looks at me in fear.

"Um...why...?" He says looking down and biting his lip hard.

"Because in your sleep, when you were having the kind of said you'd kill me like you did Johnny...did you kill someone named Johnny?" I reply rubbing my neck.

Tyler goes quiet and I notice his lip bleeding from being bitten hard. Did Tyler really kill someone? Did he kill the bully at school too?!

Fuck what do I say?! Quick Tyler think!

"And remember, I can read your mind..." I say as he goes pale.

Tyler begins to shake and sweat. His breathing becomes uneven and he closes his eyes. He looks like he's going to faint...

"You okay Ty?" I ask concerned.

Tyler begins to not cry, sob, and sobbing hard! He uncontrollably shakes as tears flow.

"I-I...can't...b-breathe..." he whispers, barely audible.

"Oh god Tyler deep breaths, in and out..." I say as I realize Tyler is having a panic attack.

Tyler stands up and I notice just how much Tyler is trembling. His panic attack is bad!

"Tyler where's your phone? Im going to ring your mom!" I say fast as I get up.

Tyler shakily point's to his phone and I get it quickly going onto the contacts and calling his mom.

"Tyler, what are you doing up this late, it's two in the morning!" Tyler's mom answers.

"Hello Mrs. Joseph, its Tyler's friend Josh." I say.

"Oh...sorry, Hello Josh how are you and Tyler?" She says.

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