Family Feud

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A/N: Hello! Hello! #720 in fan fiction! Thank you so much for your support guys! I really do appreciate all your comments and reactions. Love! Love!


Early morning at the office,Leni received a call from Kris inviting her to attend the mass for President Cory Aquino's death anniversary. Leni hesitated to say yes as she knew that it would cause another argument with Bongbong so she didn't give a definite answer saying,"Sige,Kris! I'll try. Thanks!"


"Mahal,I was invited nga pala by Kris to attend the mass for President Cory's death anniversary..." Leni started while they were eating dinner.

"Mahal,you already knew what my answer is..." He replied coldly without looking at her.

"Pero-" He cut her off.

"Leni,it's a no!" He stipulated and resumed eating. She nodded.

Leni knew why he was acting this way whenever she's mentioning the Aquino's - they are rivals. And she understand that although sometimes she's torn between the two families. It's hard for her not to get involved with the Aquino's since she belonged to LP and friends with Kris and her siblings, she even refused to wear yellow sometimes - it's an issue for Bongbong.


The next day,Leni personally informed Kris that she's not attending the mass and made an excuse saying,"scheduled to come home in Naga,eh! Sorry!" which Kris understands saying,"Oh! Sayang naman! We would appreciate sana if you'd come but it's okay! We understand naman." And with this,Leni is relieved 😌


Leni come home in Naga to commemorate the 5th death anniversary of her late husband when she received a call from Kris inviting her again to attend the mass,this time for the death anniversary of Senator Ninoy Aquino. Leni think for a moment if she's going or not. And she replied,"Sure,Kris! I'll be there! Thanks!"


Leni finally arrived at Manila,night of August 20. Bongbong fetch her at the airport and headed straight to her condominium unit. They were preparing themselves to get ready for bed,Bongbong sitting on the bed while watching TV and Leni blow drying her hair as she was fresh from the shower.

"Mahal,tomorrow will be the death anniversary of Senator Ninoy,I'll be attending..." She started.

"What? Mahal diba we've already talked about this many times before?! Ano na naman to?!" He frowned.

She stood up and faced him. "Oo nga... And many times na din akong nagdecline sa invitation nila and nakakahiya!"

"Leni naman! Can't you see my point?!" Diba-" She cut him off.

"Na ano?! Na magkaaway ang mga pamilya nyo?! And so? Why do you need to drag me and our relationship sa away na yan?!" She reasoned out.

"Kasi you are already involved sa away na to since you agreed to be with me... You need to get used to it ngayon palang para pag kinasal na tayo,di kana mahihirapan." He countered.

Her eyes widened. "Kasal?!"

"Bakit ayaw mo?" He asked.

"Syempre gusto! Kaya lang,Mahal naman! Ang hirap lang kasi ng ganito... I hope you understand." She explained.

"Bahala ka nga!" He sighed and watched TV again. She clicks her tongue and sat beside him,hugged him as she rested her head on his chest.

"Mahal..." She uttered. He didn't look at her. "Mahal naman eh! Pumayag kana,besides nag confirmed na ako na I'll be going."

He finally looked at her. "Nag confirmed ka without asking me?"

She pursued her lips,bowed her head and nodded slowly,looking guilty. He sighed and look away.

"Sorry..." She uttered. "Pumayag kana pala then why are you asking my permission?" He said calmly but she felt the sarcasm.

"Kaya nga I'm sorry..." She hugged him tightly. When he didn't respond. "Sige,di na ako pupunta-"

"Pumunta ka." He cut her off,eyes not looking at her.


"Pumunta ka." He insisted,coldly. He withdraw from her hug and lie down on the bed,back facing her. She sighed and didn't bother to talk to him,lie down on the other side,her back facing him.


The following day,Bongbong woke up alone in bed and heard Leni talking to someone over the phone.

"I'm sorry talaga,Kris... Emergency eh,di na ako makakapunta... I'm sorry talaga... I'll just pray nalang... Okay,Bye!" She hung up and walked back inside the room. She saw him awake already.

"O,Mahal! Gising kana pala! Tara breakfast na tayo!" She smiled. Bongbong felt guilty as he overheard her conversation with Kris and realized that he might be overreacting with the fact that she have a good relationship with the Aquino's. He stand up and hugged her tight. She gasped.

"I'm sorry..." He uttered and kissed her hair. She smiled. He broke from the hug and held her close. "I love you,Mahal..." He kissed her.

"I love you too,Mahal." She smiled after the kiss.

He smiled. "O,bakit di ka pa bihis? Diba magaattend ka ng mass at 8:00? You'll be late!"

"No,Mahal. I'm not going anymore. I already called-"

"You're going,Mahal!" He stipulated. She looked at him searching for hints if he was serious about it or just throwing another sarcasm until he smiled and said,"Sige na,Mahal..."

She smiled." Thank you,Mahal! I love you 😘💕 "

She was about to pull away from him when he held her closer again. "Huwag ka lang mag yellow,Mahal..." He requested. She smirked and kissed his lips. "Yes,sir!"


Lose your pride for your love but never lose your love just because of your pride.


A/N: Thanks for reading 📖 Have a nice day! Don't do illegal! Dios Mabalos😇


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