30 years (IV)

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The following days became heavy for Leni as Bongbong didn't came to visit them. It's ironic how she felt gloomy now that she's not seeing him when all she wanted was to avoid him and don't want to be near him whenever he's around.

"Anak,hindi dadalaw ang Papa mo ngayon?" Leni asked Aika.

"Hindi po Mama. Nasa Ilocos po siya,bakit po?" Aika replied,surprised by her Mom's sudden question.

"Ahh. Okay. Wala lang parang hindi na kasi siya pumupunta dito." Leni stated. Aika nodded. "Aiks,tumatawag ba sa'yo ang Papa mo? Or text?" Leni asked again after a few minutes making Aika felt something is going on,she felt like her Mom was actually missing her dad,she suddenly thought of an idea. Reverse Psychology 😉

"Opo ma. Actually katatawag nya lang po. Bakit po?" Aika answered.

Leni nodded slowly. "Hindi kasi siya tumatawag saakin or nagtetext."

Aika smiled discreetly. "Medyo busy po kasi siya Mama eh. He hangs out with his friends there. He looks so happy sa mga pictures that he sent me. Tsaka ayaw nyo naman po siyang makita or makausap diba? Kaya it's better not to bother you daw po."

"Ganon ba?" Leni's sadness was even more evident. "Um. Can I see the pictures? Yung sinend ng Papa mo? Is it okay?"

Aika nodded and willingly show the pictures to her Mom. Leni swiped to the right and saw Bongbong together with his Ilocos friends in a party. She furrowed her eyebrows when she saw a woman beside Bongbong,it seemed to be a stolen shot and it bothered her to witnessed him being that close to other woman. "Who's this woman,Anak? Kilala mo?" She can't help but to ask.

Aika nodded. "Opo,Mama. Si Tita Issa po,childhood friend ni Papa. She's still single,sabi ko kay Papa bagay sila. They're so close to each other,obvious naman po diba dito sa mga pictures."

Leni unconsciously raised an eyebrow,she suddenly felt angry and jealous 😒 "Um. Okay lang,pero di naman siya masyadong maganda. Mestiza lang."

Aika smirked,she felt her Mom's jealousy. When she was about to tease her,Bongbong suddenly called. Aika immediately picked up the phone.

"Hello papa? How are you? I missed you."

"Hi! Anak. I'm good. I missed you too. Um can I asked you a favor? Please."

"Yes po. What is it?"

"Your Lola Meldy and Tita Imee kasi wanted to meet you. Kinukulit nila ako since I went here,eh sabi ko I'll ask you first if you can come."

"Wait po Papa,you mean  dyan sa Ilocos?"

"Yes anak. Kung gusto mo lang naman. They wanted to tour you around tapos meet some family friends. I can send a private jet there,ayokong mag-commercial flight ka. Ano anak? What do you think?"

"Um. Sounds good,really good po pa kaya lang po-"

"About your Mom... Um maybe you can ask her too if she wanted to come. Gusto siyang makita ng Lola mo."

Aika smiled widely as she thought that it would be the best timing for her Mom and Dad's relationship. "Okay po,Papa. Thank you. I love you."

"Okay anak. I love you too. See you soon."

Aika immediately looked at Leni with her cheerful face after the call. "Mama,I have a good news for you."

"Ano? Anong sabi ng Papa mo? Kailan daw siya pupunta dito?" Leni asked so many questions.

"I'm going to Ilocos!" Aika cheered.

"Huh? Ilocos? But why? Anong sabi ng Papa mo?" Leni frowned.

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