Not so Happy Holidays

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Leni was packing her clothes and her other things as she was about to go to Australia for a week long conference. She went out of her room and was alarmed to see her three daughters crying. "Anong nangyari sainyo? Bakit kayo umiiyak?"

Jillian stood up and hugged her mom, "Ma, Lola Meldy's gone."

Leni was speechless for a moment, she was surprised with the sad news. Although she and Bongbong are already separated, Imelda still and always treated her like her own daughter.

"Kumusta ang papa nyo?" Leni asked, she knew how devastated Bongbong was especially that he's a mama's boy.

"Katatawag lang po nya ma. Sya nagsabi saamin na wala na si Lola Meldy." Aika answered.

Leni felt sad especially the Holiday season is fast approaching, it's totally a bad timing. "Your papa needs us now. We need to be strong for him."

Her three daughters nodded, "Will you go to Ilocos with us, ma?"

"Yes anak. I have to." Leni answered quickly.


Batac, Ilocos Norte

Bongbong was standing alone in front of his mom's casket when he felt someone's hand on his shoulder, he turned and saw his ex-wife, Leni together with their daughters.

"Hi! So glad you're here." He flashed a weak smile and hugged his daughters.

Jillian and Tricia upon seeing their Lola inside the casket cried their hearts out, "Papa, wala na si Lola." Jillian hugged her dad. He kissed her temple and whispered, "She's resting, anak."

Tricia started to cry too and hugged her dad too, Bongbong hugged Tricia back and kissed her hair. Aika joined the hug also. Leni exhaled heavily and started to rubbed her daughters' backs to bring comfort. "Let's pray for your lola. I'm sure she's with your lolo na."

After a few minutes, Leni sat down with Bongbong's sisters and his brothers in law while their three daughters talked with their cousins and helped in disturbing snacks for the guests.

"We're so glad that you're here, Leni." Imee started. "At least may aalalay kay Bong."

Leni smiled, "Pamilya ko rin kayo, ate. Kahit ano naman mangyari saamin ni Bong, pamilya pa rin tayo."

"Thank you, Lens." Irene holds Leni's hands, "Now that you're here, we don't have to worry about Bong. We know that he's the closest to mom kaya malamang grabe ang impact sa kanya ng nangyari. We're thankful that you're here with us now, Bong need you most."

Leni smiled and stared at Bongbong who's still standing in front of his mom's casket, "I will always be here for him."


It's already 2am and almost everyone was dozing off but Bongbongwas still there sitting in one of those benches in front of his mom's casket, Leni stood in front of him. "You need to rest." She uttered.

He looked up to her, "Sige na, tulog kana muna. Alam kong pagod ka galing sa byahe. Tulog na din ang mga bata."

"Eh ikaw?" She asked worriedly.

"Dito na muna ako." He said.

She sighed, "Bong, you have to rest. You need to rest. Baka ikaw naman ang magkasakit nyan."

He didn't speak.

She grabs both of his hands, "Hey."

He looked at her with those sad eyes.

She kissed the back of his hands and smiled at him, "You don't have to go through this alone, I will be by your side. I promise."

He withdrew his hands from her grip as he circled his arms to her waist burying his face into her chest, "Thank you mahal." He uttered in between his tears.

She hugged him back drawing him nearer to her, she caress his hair as he continued to cry. She bowed down to kiss his temple, "You can cry. I will hold you, mahal ko."


Bongbong woke up upon hearing her talking to someone over the phone, he opened his left eye to check what time is it, 8:25 am it read. He looked at her and she's sitting beside him talking to someone. He hugged her through her waist informing her that he's awake already. "Good morning" He whispered.

She smiled and bowed down to kiss his lips, "Good morning." She whispered and continue with her conversation over the phone.

He was speechless for a moment, he didn't know if he was dreaming or it's true that she just kissed him. He was unable to speak.

"How are you? Are you feeling better?" She asked him bringing him back to reality.

"Did you just kissed me?" He asked absentmindedly.

It came to her differently, she thought that he didn't wanted it, "Sorry, did I offend—"

He cut her off by kissing her lips again but this time, a bit longer. She started to reciprocate and produce soft moans as his kiss deepens. He made her lie down again and went on top of her making her feel his bulge. She exhaled heavily as she can feel him slowly grounding her. "Bong ugh ugh oh my— shit ugh ugh!"

He smiled and knew that she's enjoying what he's doing so he decided to pleasure her more by kissing her deeply into her neck leaving a few marks. Then he went down to her chest then sucked her breasts one at a time. All she can do was to moan and submit herself to him. She then felt him holds the garter of her underwear and slowly removed it revealing her wet folds. He looked at her before eating her out, she just holds her hand and nodded giving her the permission to own her below. He smiled and started to pleasure her.


Bongbong went down again after making love with his ex-wife, his sisters noticed the brighter smile on his face, "Mukhang good mood tayo ha!" Imee started. He just smiled.

"Ganda ng ngiti mo ngayon kuya. Dumating lang si Ate Leni naging ganyan ka." Aimee noticed.

"Speaking of Leni, where is she?" Irene asked.

"She's still upstairs, nagbibihis lang." He said.

After a moment, they saw Leni approach them. "Good morning!" She greeted them with wide smile on her face. She exchange some pleasantries with Bongbong's sisters.

"Aba parang ang ganda ng aura nyo ni Bong." Imee smiled.

Leni frowned, "Huh? What do you mean ate?"

"Parang ang fresh nyo tapos ang gaganda ng mga ngiti nyo. Kahapon di naman kayo ganyan. Lumipas lang ang isang gabi tapos ganyan na kayo." Imee explained.

Leni and Bongbong just smiled at them.

"Yun nga ate, lumipas nga ang gabi so malamang may nangyari kagabi." Aimee stated.

Leni blushed, "Uy grabe naman."

They laughed, "Hay naku, wag na nating pakialaman itong si Bong and Leni. Hayaan nalang natin sila. They know what they're doing." Irene uttered and winked at Leni.

To be continued....

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