The Appointment

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President Duterte appointed Bongbong as the new DILG Secretary and it made Leni a bit disappointed as it was special to her because it was her late husband's position before he died and it was given to her mortal enemy.

As they were attending the cabinet meeting,it was inevitable that they exchange some argument that caused Digong to call their attention privately. The President told them that he didn't like their attitude and as comeuppance,they need to work together in helping the relief operations regarding the Marawi siege.


Leni and Bongbong arrived separately at Xavier University,where the OVP received all the donations to be given to the evacuees. They tend not to be too close too each other as they didn't want another argument.

It was already 10:00 pm,Bongbong saw Leni sitting on the floor re-packing together with the volunteers,he somehow admired her for her simplicity and he can say that what she's doing is not for show - she is really enjoying what's she's doing. Leni saw him looking at her and she noticed that he's already sweating,she excused herself and walk towards him.

She handed him her handkerchief,"Pawis kana..."

He frowned. "No. I'm okay."

"Sige na,malinis naman yan." She referred to her handkerchief. He chuckled as he found her so cute. "Bakit? May nakakatawa ba?" She asked. He shake his head,smiling. "Kunin mo na kasi... Yung pawis mo oh! Nakakahiya naman sa'yo." She insisted. He looked at her before he finally accepted her offer,it relieved her. "Ah... Can I sit with you?" She hesitated. He nodded.

There was an awkward silence when they sit together,they both didn't know what to say or how to start the conversation without yelling at each other. After a while,they decided to break the silence.

"Pasensya kana-"

"Pasensya kana-"

They uttered simultaneously startling each other,they looked at each other before they burst into laughter.

"Hindi. Sorry ha! For being rude to you..." She uttered.

"Sorry din... For all the accusations." He replied.

They smiled at each other,"Friends?" He offered his hand. "Friends!" She smiled and accepted his hand. They spent the time sitting together in one corner having some friendly conversation until he brought up something.

"You know what,I admire you. You're so simple and very down to earth. You get to sit on the floor with the ordinary people,laughing and talking to them like you're not the Vice President of this country. Napaka genuine!" He complemented her.

She blushed with what she heard. "Ganon naman talaga dapat diba? I mean.. ako kasi naniniwala ako that we need to give and help more because you want to instead of because you need to. Saka dapat we are creating a life that feels good on the inside hindi lang yung looks good on the outside."

"Grabe! I'm impressed na talaga!" He smiled at her. "Pero are you not mad or pissed every time they bashed you on social media? Or every time I threw accusations sa'yo before?"

She chuckled. "Minsan... Pero kasi ang iniisip ko,kapag napikon ako... Ako din yung mahihirapan,baka maapektuhan yung trabaho ko. Besides we weren't born naman to please others,people nowadays are quick to judge without even knowing your full name... So I always told myself that I need to be my own individual... that I need to be my own self..."

He stood up and gave her a slow clap 👏🏻 She laughed at his reaction. "Uy! Grabe naman! Umupo ka nga!" She ushered him to sit down again. He laughed. "Bakit ang bait mo?" He asked and took a seat. "Kill them with kindness ba ang motto mo?" He continued,she laughed.

After exchanging some thoughts and sensible topics,he saw her yawned,he checked his wrist watch - 1:00 am. He was shocked,they didn't notice the time as they were enjoying each other's company. He looked at her,she was smiling and eager to listen but he knew that she was already tired.

"It's already 1:00 am... Punta na tayo sa hotel? I know you're tired already..." He said. She nodded and proceeded to the hotel they were checked in.


It has been 5 months since they've got to work together,it brings them more closer to each other. They became really good friends,they have constant communication also and they are always together - lunch,dinner,breakfast,coffee, road trips and movie dates and it made everyone surprised but happy with their relationship.

As the months passed by,Bongbong couldn't deny how much fascinated he was with Leni. He loved it being with her,talking to her and listen to her and it made him curious about his feelings for her. He didn't pressure himself and painstakingly figured out what he felt for her but when every time he's with her and every time he saw her smile,it just confirmed his feelings for her - he love her.


Bongbong drove Leni into their house after their dinner,he opened the car door for her,"Thanks,Bong!" She smiled. His world suddenly stopped as he saw her smiling sweetly at him. "Bong? Are you okay?" She waved her hands across his distracted face.

"Ha? Ah. Yeah. I'm okay. Sorry!" He chuckled. "Sige na! Pasok kana!"

She smiled. "Sige,goodnight!" And started to walk away.

"Ahhh.. Leni?" He called. She turned around,he walked to her. "Ano yun,Bong?" She asked. He didn't know what to say and how to say his feelings for her,his thoughts cluttered on his mind that his tongue was nowhere to be found. "Ahh... Ano kasi,Leni... Ahh" He stammered.

"Kasi...?" Leni waiting for his response. He hated himself as he can't find his words so he abruptly cupped her face and kissed her lips.

Leni was surprised by the gesture,she looked at him for a moment,his eyes were closed,he blushed a bit and didn't move his lips. She then closed her eyes,feeling his lips and surround her arms into his neck then he started to move his lips that she reciprocated.

He carefully withdrew from the kiss,he pressed his forehead against hers,they were breathless. He looked at her,"Goodnight... I love you,Leni" he uttered softly.

She smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "I love you too,Bong..."


The best love story is when you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time.



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