Sexy Back

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He knocked a few seconds before she opened the door of her unit.

"Uy! What brings you here?" She asked surprised of his sudden presence. He was about to say something but he was enthralled seeing her wearing her spaghetti house dress 👗.

"Bong? Okay ka lang?" She asked again.

"Ha? Ah. Yes! I went here to give you this..." He stammered and handed her a folder.

"Oh! Is the proposal para dun sa housing project?" She asked as she scanned the papers.

"Ah. Yeah! Yeah!" He uttered still distracted by her.

"Thank you! Halika muna sa loob! Mag tea muna tayo!" She welcomed him. He followed her inside.

As she was preparing the tea, Bongbong couldn't help but to mesmerize by her beauty as he saw her smooth shoulders and her sexy back. He didn't think twice and immediately hug her from behind. She was startled 😱.

"Ang sexy ng likod mo..." He uttered as he started kissing her neck down to her shoulders.

"Bong... Ano kaba?! Huwag ngayon!" She giggled.

"Ngayon na... I missed you..." He seductively said as he slid down the thin straps of her dress.

She turned to him and draped her arms on his nape. He wiggles his eyebrows. She smirked. He then initiated a sweet kiss that she gladly reciprocated.

After a few minutes of exchanging ardent kisses,he leaned lower grabbing her legs and lift her up to his arms,she helped him by wrapping her arms to his neck. He then walked to the bedroom without breaking off from the fiery exchange.

He carefully brought her down to the bed and looked at each other for a few seconds.

"I love you... 💕 " He uttered.

"I love you too..." she smiled. That's when he finally got his permission to take her that moment.

He leaned again for another round of fiery kisses 😘. She helped him to slid down her dress and assist him in taking off of his polo completely without letting go of each other's lips.

His hands started to caress the arcs of her body until he reached the garter of her underwear that he immediately slid down to her smooth legs. She felt so weak as he got her defenseless.

They continued to kissed each other until she move her hands down to unbuckle his pants that he gladly permitted. She immediately took the opportunity to pulled down his brief. She was a little bit startled as she felt his length bump at the center of her legs.

He paused a bit as he looked down to position his length at her weakest spot. He wanted to make sure that he'll be going to start with subtle pace to make her comfortable throughout the night.

His touch made her eyes closed and embraced him as she takes him in slowly. He begun to create a rhythm that made her embrace tightened and breathe heavily. As he continued to touch her weakest spot,she started to produce soft moans and couldn't keep herself mute,he was even more thrilled as he hear her moans but continued his soft pace as he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.

"Mahal? Are you okay?" He looked at her with concern as he continued his course. She looked at him and cupped his face,she smiled and kissed him. He gladly reciprocated her move to distract her from focusing on the south.

As he continued his perfect thrusts,she couldn't help but to come a couple of times,she felt so weak that her legs started to shake and eventually numb. She was crying in pleasure every time he hit her perfect spot,she continued to held him close as she endured his thrusts.

"Mahaaal" she uttered breathlessly indicating that she finished first before him but he continued his course. "Mahaaal..." she whimpered concurrently with his thrusts.

Few seconds have passed and she felt something sprinkle inside her then he began to slow down his pounding. It was a sign for her that he finally ended as well. He finally stopped and looked at her,he smiled and kissed her lips to recover from the amazing ending. They didn't move for a while and just held each other close - him still inside her.

After a while,he slowly freed her and reclined beside her. They breathed heavily due to exhaustion and didn't utter any word as they both looked at the ceiling.

Soon,he moved to his side to face her and held her hand sweetly,she looked at him and smiled. He held her close and covered their body with the sheets of the bed.

"I love you,Mahal!" He uttered as he draw circles at her back.

She looked up to him. "I love you too, Mahal!" She kissed him on the lips.

He smiled and kissed her forehead. "Tulog kana..."

She smiled and went back on his chest. She felt so secure on his arms as if she's willing to let him hold her forever.

After a while,they finally fell asleep holding each other close.


He woke up and realized that she's not beside him anymore. He wear his clothes which are now placed neatly at the couch and started to search for her.

"Good morning,Mahal!" She greeted him the moment he went out of the bedroom. He smiled as he saw her preparing breakfast 🍳.

"Hi! Beautiful! Good morning!" He greeted her back and held her close. He showered her with his playful kisses 😘.

"Mahal! Stop it! Ano kaba?! Ang aga aga!" She giggled but he resumed his business.

"Uy! Mahal! Tama na!" She continued giggling. He smiled and finally freed her.

After a while,he started to become serious as he remembered something.

"Mahal?" He started.

"Hmm?" She uttered but didn't turned as she was busy preparing breakfast.

"When are we going to tell your children about... this?... about us?" He asked.

Bongbong and Leni are currently into a secret relationship for 7 months now.  They decided to keep it for a while to avoid issues,even Leni's daughters didn't know about this. Every time they will share an intimate moment together,Bongbong would ask her the same question and until now,she didn't know what to answer - she didn't know when to tell her children about their relationship.

She sighed and turned to him. "I'm sorry,Mahal!" She apologized for she was feeling guilty as she thought she was making their relationship a bit hard.

He grabbed her waist and held her close. "I understand,Mahal... I can wait."

She flashed him a weak smile. His answer made her more guilty. "Thank you,Mahal... I promised that I would tell them immediately..."

"It's okay,Mahal! Just take your time... Just assure me you're mine only,okay?" He requested.

She smiled. "I'm yours,Mahal! All yours... I promise!" She gave him a peck on his lips.

"I love you...💕 " He uttered after breaking off.

"I love you more 😍..." She replied.


Even if they are having a hard time sometimes due to their situation,they always make sure that they're communicating and trusting each other. They're just searching for the right time to tell the whole world that they are together and they are in love with each other so much 💝


A/N: Whooo! Ano ba tong pinasok ko!? Sorry sa mga minor dyan ha! 🤗 😘😂😱


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