Part Two: Visitors

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You run back inside to finish your breakfast. You sit back down in your chair and start to finish your apple strudel. Lord Elrond is still there, obviously waiting for you, and seeming a bit agitated. "Is there something bothering you, ada?" you ask him.

"Oh, not at all. We just need to talk."

"Aren't we doing that right now?"

"Well, yes, but I mean in private."

"Of course." You finish the strudel and follow your father out of the room.

He leads you to an empty room and shuts the door behind you. "So, how are you?"

"I'm doing fine."

"As am I." He looks at you for a while, then finally speaks up. "I needed to let you know that others will be arriving here shortly, the reason being the holding of a secret council." You open your mouth to say that Aragorn had already told you, but you decide to say nothing. He continues. "We will be discussing the future of the Ring of Power." Your eyes widen in fake astonishment. "And your sister and I have talked and we both agree that you will be allowed to attend." 

"Really?" Your fake surprise turns genuine. You never ever fancied yourself being concerned with something this important, let alone the Ring of Power! "You are not pulling my leg?" 

"Y/N, I do not think it funny to joke of such things. Getting your hopes up just to disappoint you would be very rude." 

You embrace him tightly. "Thank you! I love you, Father."

"I love you, too." He pulls away and says, "Well, you best be getting your training done for the day."


At the training grounds, you are face-to-face with a dummy. "Go ahead, Y/N, strike it. Use your own method," calls your instructor, Megildur. 

You walk up to it from behind and jab the daggers into it's stuffed shoulders. You then do an aerial kick to the chin and a couple more impressive moves. 

You prep your arm for an uppercut to the stomach but then stop. 

------LEGOLAS POV------

I arrive in Rivendell on my horse. Lord Elrond comes over to greet me.

"Legolas, it's so nice to see you make it here safely." He reaches out and shakes my hand. I bow to him. "Come, I shall take you to your room and a servant shall take your horse to the stables." I walk beside him.

"Has anyone else arrived, milord?" I ask.

"Aragorn has, but no one else," he answers. We are silent for a minute. Then, Lord Elrond speaks. "My daughter, Y/N, will be permitted to attend the meeting." 

"Y/N? I don't think I have met her." 

"She must have always been gone when you and Thranduil have visited," he responds.

"How come I have never heard of a second daughter?" I ask. 

"She is not around much anymore. She goes around and sees what she can help with around the kingdom."

"Oh." More silence. "When could I meet her?" We arrive at my room. 

"Well, right now she is training, so later. If you need anything, Legolas, do not hesitate to let me know." I nod my head, and Lord Elrond shuts the door. I lay my things on the dresser and sit on my bed. 

I realize I have nothing to do, so I decide to find the training grounds.


I walk around in the tall trees, trying to stay hidden. It takes me a while, but I finally find the grounds. Then I spot a beautiful young elf with (h/l), (h/c) hair facing what I assume is a dummy. Someone shouts, "Go ahead, Y/N, strike it. Use your own method." I sit on a nearby stump to watch. 

Wow, I thought. Y/N can fight. She does all the right moves: kicks and punches. But then she all of a sudden stops. She turns and looks right at me, then all around. My cheeks flare up in embarrassment. 

"Mellon (friend), is something bothering you?" The voice calls out to her.

She looks dazed. "Oh, it's nothing." She confusedly looks around again. "On second thought, may I be excused, Megildur?"

"Of course, Y/N," Megildur responds. I watch her walk out of the grounds. And I follow, only a few steps behind.

------Y/N POV------

Later, in your room, Arwen was sitting on your bed as you paced the floor and told her about training. "It was just so...unnatural. The feeling only stopped when I asked you to come to my room with me." Arwen was puzzled. She sat there for a moment, thinking silently. 

"Have you met everyone else yet?" she finally asked.

"They have all arrived?"

"Yes. So, you haven't seen anyone new?"

"No," you reply. 

"Well, do you want to meet them? I can take you to them all." You're silent for a bit. 

"No, not at the moment."

"That's fine." Silence.

"So, how are things with Aragorn?" Arwen blushes bright red.

"It's alright." You giggle. And then she giggles. And then you both laugh hysterically for a while. 

"I'm going to go outside now," you say.

"Alright," Arwen stands up. "I guess I will leave you alone--for now." And she walks out of the room. You walk over to your bookshelf and pull your favorite book off it.

Outside, you find your favorite tree and slump down against it. You read for hours on end, forgetting about training.

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