Part Eleven: The Balrog of Morgoth

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You and the Fellowship walk steadily along the path through Moria. But not for much longer. You can hear goblins racing behind you. "Everyone run!" you shout. And they don't hesitate. You hear something horrible and nasty, and the goblins shudder in terror and scaredly runaway. "What is that unearthly sound?" asks Gimli.

"It is a Balrog, a demon. Run!" yells Gandalf.

You run and run and run until a gap on the staircase stops you. It is very large, and you don't know that you will make it. But you jump over anyway because you have to try. You land successfully on your feet. You motion for everyone else to follow. Goblins, now seemingly unafraid, pop up out of nowhere and begin shooting arrows at you. Legolas jumps over and fires arrows back at them. Gandalf hops over and you catch him. "Merry! Pippin!" Boromir grabs them and pulls them under his arms and jumps. You catch them easily. Aragorn grabs Sam and throws him over and then follows. 

"Legolas, I will shoot and you catch them," you tell him.

"Alright." He puts away his bow and you get out yours. This was more your style. You turn around and shoot right through a goblin's heart. It falls over into the chasm. You continue to fire arrows at them until everyone has passed over the gap. You all run down the staircase as it crashes down behind you.

You are so scared for your life. The whole place is now in flames and it's hard not to run into them. But you make it to the bridge of Khazad-Dum and run across, half the bridge falling into the depths of the earth behind you. Out of the fire comes the Balrog. It has two curved horns sticking out of the sides of its head and very large wings, carrying a sword. 

"You cannot pass!" shouts Gandalf who is on the edge of the bridge. You look at Gandalf in horror.


"Run, you fools!" The Fellowship backs up, all except you. The demon raises itself to its full height and roars. You run over to Gandalf, hoping that it's nighttime.

"Y/N!" Legolas yells. He tries to run over to you, but Aragorn and Gimli hold him back. "Y/N, come back!" You turn to face him.

"I'll be alright, Legolas. You've seen what I can do. Have faith in me now." You turn back around to face the monster. 

Holding up your hand, your mind takes control, and you speak words you have never heard before. Gandalf accompanies you. "I am a servant of the Secret Fire! Wielder of the Flame of Anor!" Shadows shoot from your hand and form a forcefield around you and Gandalf. The beast swings its sword and brings it down upon you, but you are too strong, and the Balrog's grip on the sword is loosened. It falls into the fiery chasm below. 

"Go back to the shadow!" commands Gandalf. The creature puts its foot on the bridge and swings a whip above its head. You join him in saying, "You shall not pass!" He brings his staff down on the bridge hard. The brute snorts and raises his whip and sets his other foot on the bridge, and it collapses under its weight. You and the wizard turn around and start towards the rest of the group. 

But the whip catches you by the ankle and yanks you backward. You grab Gandalf's robe in the hopes of stopping the pull, but instead, you drag him with you. You fall and Gandalf grabs the edge of the bridge. "Fly, you fools!" he says, and you fall into the abyss below. 

You can hear Legolas scream, "NO!!! Y/N! NOOOOOOOOO!" You don't even have the strength to scream from fear, but you cry, tears evaporating on your cheeks from the intense heat. For Legolas, for Gandalf, the rest of the Fellowship, and yourself.

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