Part Seven: Demented

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A/N: @aidanturnerimagines inspired this chapter. Check out their Orlando Bloom Imagines collection! 

"How far is it now?" You ask Gandalf the next morning. "Another two days?"

"Precisely. I think you are much too anxious to get to the mines, Y/N."

"It just seems as if we've been traveling toward this one place for far too long. As if we waste time."

"Aye, I think the same." Boromir walks up to you and Gandalf. "We should have gone through Gondor." You really don't want to be around him. But when did you ever? You decide you would stay and listen to him talk for just this once, but not again.

"I let Frodo decide and no one objected. He chose the mines, so we go through the mines." Gandalf gets upset. "Do not doubt his decision." You walk in silence.

"Hey Y/N," Boromir starts. "Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" You stop walking. You are surprised that he didn't already know. Had he not seen you with Legolas? This man cannot take a hint, you decide.

"No, but I am courting someone already, Boromir."

"Well, clearly he doesn't like you as much as I do." He stopped next to you and is slowly creeping closer to you. You don't like this. You don't like this at all. "Surely I am better than this significant other you speak of. If you were by my side, you would rule Gondor with me. Always. You. Me. Together." He takes one of your hands. His face is now two inches away from yours. You reach for your dagger in your left pocket with your free hand. You step back and unsheath it, pointing it at Boromir's face.

"If you come any closer to me you filthy animal, I'd be obliged to put this through your throat." You step back farther and so does Boromir. You put away your knife and run towards the back of the group to a horse not occupied and climb on. You then realize that you had threatened someone who is part of your team! Even though you very much dislike Boromir, you feel bad. No one should be treated like that! You can feel tears in your eyes and on your face and shove it into the horse's mane. Silently crying, you ride alone for about 2 minutes when you hear something. You look up and see Legolas coming towards you. 

"Y/N, are you alright?" he asks you.

"Yes, but please go away. I just need some more time to myself."

------LEGOLAS POV------

We are on the move again. "Hey, Legolas!" Gimli shouts to me and I walk over to him.

"How are you, dwarf?"

"I'm fine." My eyes wander over to Y/N. Gimli finds what they stare at. "You can't seem to keep your eyes off of her, elf."

"I know. Isn't she just so beautiful?" Right now she talks with Gandalf at the front of the group. There's just something about her, I can't resist spying. 

Boromir walks up to them and I get uneasy. He says something to her and she stops. I can see Y/N tense up. She says something to him and he stops walking as well. He wears a jealous expression. Boromir starts walking closer to Y/N, talking and reaching for her hand. She reaches toward her dagger and points at him. I gasp. Y/N just pulled a weapon against her comrade! She turns and darts, a tear running down her face.

I start to run after her, but Gimli holds me back. "Give her a moment," he says. I struggle against his surprisingly strong little arms for forever. And when I do finally stop, he lets me go. I walk over to her and wow, she's pretty even when she's crying.

"Y/N, are you alright?" I ask her.

"Yes, but please go away. I need some more time to myself," she responds.

"Oh," I say, a little upset. "Just let me know if you need someone to talk to or something like that."

"Alright." She gives a little smile and I  turn away and walk toward Aragorn. 

"What's going on? First fight or something?" He asks me.

"No, she just wants some time to herself."

"Oh. Well, how have you been doing, Legolas? We haven't talked in a while."

"I'm doing well. And you?"

"The same. I miss my Arwen terribly though."

"I miss my father and friends back home in the Woodland Realm." And we chat about nice, warm, fluffy feather pillows and all the good things that we miss until we stop to rest for the night.

------Y/N POV------

You wake to the sound of Gimli's voice. "Y/N, take this next watch please."

"Of course," you say. But something tells you that you won't be doing so for long.

But you find a random tree stump to sit on. And sit. Awake. For an hour or so. Then you reach for your dagger and want to jab it into something. The closest object around is Merry. You kneel down beside him and you take the dagger from its spot and raise it above his poor little heart. But you hear someone shout "Y/N! Stop that!" You quickly stand. It's Legolas, and he's running towards you. And you let him rip the knife from your hands and drop it to the ground. You fall and burst into tears.

"Y/N, I don't think that you're alright." He pulls you up and puts his mouth to yours. You feel your problems melt away as he kisses you deeply. Right here, right now, you feel safe, a feeling you hadn't felt in forever. You look up into his pretty blue eyes.

"Legolas," you whisper, "Thank you." You lean in for another and he meets you halfway. His lips are very soft, and they taste so sweet. You never want to stop. But you know that nothing lasts forever. He pulls away.

"Y/N, I love you."

"Legolas, I love you too."

"Now, what made you think it a good idea to raise your dagger against a sleeping Merry?"

You freeze. "I........I......I don't know what came over me. Please forgive me, Legolas. I......wasn't myself." You bury your face in his chest and cry.

"Now now, y/n, it's all going to be fine." He pats your head. "You best be getting some sleep."

You raise your head to look at him. "But it's my turn to watch."

"But you're tired. I can cover for you."

"But, you already took your..."

"Shhhh. Go to sleep." He's sitting on the lonely tree stump with you cradled in his arms. And you rest your head on his chest and fall asleep to the rhythmic sound of his heartbeat.

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