Part Six: Snow

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On the mountain pass Caradhras, the Fellowship walks, getting ever closer to Mordor. Everyone is waist-deep in snow, except you and Legolas, of course. Gimli leads,  Aragorn walks with Sam and Pippin on his shoulders. You walk with Boromir beside you, something you try to avoid. Gandalf talks with Merry, Frodo, and Legolas. 

Yes, the snow-capped mountains may be beautiful, but man, snow can be intense. Even though you use your blanket to try and keep warm, you are so cold, but you try not to show it, for fear of Boromir becoming worried. You don't need another reason for him to be nice to you. But he seems to notice it anyway, despite your effort.

"Y/N, would you like my blanket?" Boromir yells over the blizzard.

"No, thank you," you yell back. He tries to make small talk with you and you have to look down at him. You can hear everyone just fine without them screaming, but you really don't want to talk to Boromir, so you yell, "What? I can't hear you!" and after, Legolas chuckles, so you assume he can hear quite well too. He is currently talking (more like screaming) to Gandalf, and when he is done, you whisper to him, "Hey, no need to yell!"

He whispers back, "Not to you, mellon. Are you doing well?"

You smile. "Yes. How about you?"

"I'm fine."

"How would you like to come up here and replace the obnoxious Boromir?"

"I'd be glad." He makes his way to you through (er, over) the others. You both walk ahead of the group.

"Hey, what are you two doing, Legolas?" yells Gandalf.

"We're going up ahead to scout," he answers.

"Alright." You giggle under your breath. This was not your intention, and you don't think it was his either. But that was fine. You two were alone together, and that was what really mattered.

After a while, you say, "We better get that scouting done." Legolas laughs. "Seriously. I don't want to be caught dead in a lie."

"Alright, let's do it." And so you both 'scout' in the snow for about 2 minutes, then you both come close together. "So, anything interesting?" Legolas says with a silly smile. 

"Nope," you say. "How about you?"

"Only two things. Snow and something else..."

"Is it orcs or Uruk-hai?" You ask, a tiny bit worried. You look around. It's not like you would come across any on this mountain, though.

"No, it was you."


"Yeah. I've never met a more interesting, skilled, and beautiful elf than you."  Your cheeks start to heat up and turn even redder than they already are from the cold. 

"And I have never met an elf more handsome, smart, and friendly than you, Legolas. Nor man or dwarf." 

He smiles. He takes your hand and grasps it tightly, the warmth from just his hand comforting you. A minute later, he says, "Can I ask a question?"

"Of course. Anything."

"I've been thinking about this a lot lately, but I hadn't been sure about it. But I am now. Y/N," he says. "Can I have permission to court you?" The hand not holding Legolas's flies to your mouth. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..."

"Oh, Legolas, you've done nothing wrong! It's just that...I've never been asked that question before." His face turns from sorrow to shock. "But I'd be honored to be your lady, Legolas. What's wrong?"

"I just can't believe you've never been asked that before." Wow, you think. He likes me that much. You smile.

You lean your head against his shoulder and continue the walk in sweet silence.


You feel the hairs on your back stand up. "Legolas?" you say. You look up and find that he is carrying you. You must have fallen asleep.

"Yes?" he answers.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing, I thought. Y/N, what is it?" You jump out of his arms and run towards the others.

"Guys, something is going to happen soon." You scream over the now raging wind. "I can feel it."

"What could possibly happen up here on a deserted mountain?" asks Pippin.

"I don't know, but it can't be good." Then as if on cue, storm clouds start circling the mountain. Lightning strikes the tip, and snow falls, narrowly missing everyone.

"It's an avalanche!" shouts Boromir.

"It's Saruman," clarifies Gandalf.

Aragorn shouts, "He's trying to bring down the mountain! We must turn back." Then snow falls onto you and the Fellowship. 

You can feel a hand pulling you out from underneath a few seconds later, and you can tell by its warmth that it's Legolas's.

"Y/N, are you alright?" he asks you, not letting go of your hand.

"Yes, I'm fine. You?"


"We can make for the Gap of Rohan and travel to my city!" Boromir shouts once everyone has resurfaced.

"The Gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard!" yells Aragorn.

"Let us go under if we cannot go over! We can pass through the mines of Moria," suggests Gimli. "My cousin would give us a hearty welcome."

"Let the Ring-Bearer decide." Gandalf looks to Frodo, and so does the rest of the Fellowship. 

Frodo looks to Sam and then decides, "We will go through the mines." 

Gandalf pauses. "So be it," he says. And so you turn towards the direction of Moria, not knowing what lies ahead. 

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