Part Eight: Night Watch

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Now you travel through a misty rock valley where there are no trees or anything lush in sight. It is in the evening, and you are becoming tired. You walk over to Aragorn. "Should we stop here for the night?" You ask.

"If you are weary then we can." You nod your head. He turns toward the rest of the Fellowship. "We are going to set up camp here. Who will take first watch?"

"I will," says Boromir. He then turns to you and winks. You roll your eyes while setting up your bed. You curl up in your blanket and soon fall asleep.


"Y/N," you wake up to a well-known voice calling your name. "Y/N." You open your eyes and sit up. 


"Will you take this next watch?" Legolas asks you.

"Sure." You get up and find a nearby rock to sit on while you guard the Fellowship. After a while, you get bored. You feel yourself trying to fall back asleep, so you decide to play with your powers. You create a little ball of moonlight in your palm and toss it between hands. You get bored of that and then work on creating a mini version of your father. He is just about finished when you hear a noise. You stand up. "Who goes there?" you whisper into the air.

"It is only me, Y/N," you turn around to the voice and find that it belongs to Legolas. "Did you think I had fallen asleep already?"


"How could I, when such beauty stands before me?" He walks over to you and takes your hand. You stand there, staring into his gorgeous blue eyes. "What were you doing?" he asks.

"Oh, that's nothing," you say. 

"But certainly that was something. What were you doing?" he inquires for the second time.

You sigh. "I was playing with my powers." He looks at you.

"Would it be fine to ask you to show me?"

"Sure. What shall I do?"

"Paint a picture." You raise up your hands and try and think of something to make. They unwillingly start moving, and you try to make them stop, but you can't win this battle. You finally just let them take control. 

Then you create an image of a lovely wood where the trees move, but not with the wind. And within that forest, a bright white ball emerges from the vegetation. 

"That is Fanghorn Forest, y/n. Where the elves of old taught the trees to speak. Why do you think of it?"

"I..........I......I don't know. Often when I do these paintings, they are visions of things to come. Maybe we will travel through Fanghorn on our way to Mordor."

"Maybe. Y/N, that is one of the most wondrous things I have ever seen."

"Thank you. I like to call myself an Elf of the Night since I can use the light from the moon and also shadows. I can only use my powers during the night." You sit back down on the rock and Legolas sits down on your right. He leans up against you and he rests his head on your shoulder. You both look at the moving image before you until it fades. "Legolas?"


"Why did you kiss me that night? After you saw what I was about to do?" You shed a silent tear (this bringing back a good and bad memory) and wipe it away.

"Well, I just knew that that wasn't the real you. I knew that you would never do such a thing, and so...I...I just had to show you that I care. And I really do." You smile and then silence takes over. 

"You know Legolas? I think I figured out why I was acting so weird," you say suddenly.


"I offered to take the ring from Frodo and let him rest from the burden for a day. He gladly gave it to me and I put it around my neck. I think that the ring's power combined with mine had some bad side effects."

"Well, then what caused you to stop that behavior?"

"I think..." you stutter. "I think it"


"You know, after I almost. . . killed Merry," you feel another tear fall down your cheek. "You kissed me. I haven't had an evil thought since."

Legolas sits up to look at you. He wipes the tear away, his hand touching your face ever so gently. "So, you're saying that the ring brought a terrible curse upon you and I kissed you," he smiles. "And it broke the spell."

"Yes, that is my understanding." He pulls your head closer to his and you kiss once more, then he leans on you again. Some sweet silence here.

"You know, Y/N, it was Fate that brought us together, don't you think?"

"Yes, I suppose so. And do you want to know what I think of Fate?"


"I quite like It." You can feel him smile on your shoulder. He yawns. 

"I quite like it too, Y/N," he manages to say before falling asleep on your lap. Which you have no problem with. And not a single care in the world.

You look at his adorable sleeping face and don't regret a thing. 

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