Part Fourteen: The Riders of Rohan

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Aragorn, Gimli, and I have been running and walking, on and off, for days. All in pursuit of the orc clan called Uruk-hai that took Pippin and Merry prisoner. I sometimes wonder if I will ever see them again.

This makes me think about what Lady Galadriel told me. How can I ever find Love again?

A voice shakes me from my thoughts. "Legolas! Legolas, we have to keep moving. You're slowing down!"

"Sorry, Aragorn."

"It's alright." We run for a while more, then pause and sit on some rocks to catch our breath.

"Legolas," says Gimli, "Is there something wrong? You stare deep into the nothingness all around us."

"I'm fine," I say. "Just lost in thought, I guess." I take some Lembas bread out of my pack and take a much larger bite than usual.

"No, your not," says Aragorn. "Legolas, tell us what is troubling you. Please."

I sigh. "Oh, alright. When we were in Lothlorien, Lady Galadriel met with me privately. She asked what happened in Moria. After I told her, she told me that I would eventually find Love again someday."

"Well then, isn't that supposed to be good news?" Gimli asks.

"I guess. But the thing is, I don't want to find love again. I only want to be with y/n. I want to be with her so badly it makes my heart ache just thinking about her because I know that it's not possible."

Aragorn stares at me very intently for a moment. Then he speaks. "Has it ever occurred to you what y/n might think?"

I'm confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well, as you know, I love Arwen very much. Often when I make decisions that are of some importance, I think of her. I think to myself, Arwen wants me happy. Is this going to make me happy?"

I stare at him blankly. "I still don't really get it."

"If y/n really loves you, she wants the best for you. If you find another person that makes you happy and you feel guilty about it, think of y/n. She most likely won't care what it is that makes you happy, as long as you are."

"You really think so?" Aragorn nods. I stand. "Well, we should get going." And so, we're on the move again.


I can see something up ahead. A large group of men on horses. I think that they noticed us too because they had turned and are now proceeding in our direction. "Aragorn! Up ahead!" I yell.

They are getting closer. We try to run away, but we are on foot and they are on horseback, so they reach us fast and encircle us. The riders point their sharp spears right at our heads. The man I assume to be the leader climbs off his horse and comes to us. "What business do a man, an elf, and a dwarf have out here?"

"We are friends of the kingdom of Rohan and we are tracking down a clan of Uruk-hai," Aragorn answers. "They have taken two of our friends prisoner." The spears are now lifted and pointed away from us.

The man is distressed. "Our king Theoden is ill. Saruman has poisoned his mind. But we have just finished a battle with them."

"Tell me, man, did you see two hobbits? Two hobbits?!" Gimli asks nervously.

The man's face is solemn. "We left none alive. But you're welcome to go search in the pile over there," he points. "We left them to burn. Here, take these two horses. Let them bring you good fortune." He climbs back onto his horse and waves his riders to follow him. And they leave. And so we set off the burning carcasses of Uruk-hai. 

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