Part Fifteen: Fangorn Forest

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We arrive at the pile. And we all search through it, Gimli ferociously.

Aragorn steps back. "Well..."

He bends down to look at the ground. I walk over to him to watch. "A hobbit lay here," he says. He crawls over the tracks he has found. "They crawled with hands bound." He stands and runs. Gimli and I follow. "Their bonds were cut," he says as he picks up some rope. He bolts away.

"The tracks lead away from the battle, into Fangorn Forest." He turns around to us. "We must follow the tracks. If they died, they did not die here. Come on!"

We run into the forest following the tracks. Gimli sees some liquid on a leaf and puts his finger in to taste it. "Pthhh! Orc blood." The trees start making sounds and Gimli puts up his ax.

"The trees are talking to each other," I say. "They have feelings, my friend. Lower your ax."

"What do trees have to talk about, eh? Maybe just the consistency of squirrel droppings."

We keep following the tracks, and they become strange. I stop to look around.

I can hear something. "Aragorn! Something is out there."

"What do you see?"

"The White Wizard approaches."

He nods. "Do not let him speak. We take him out or we will have a spell cast upon us! Ready, three, two, one!" We all twirl around a tree and I fire arrows at...wait, there are two of them, carrying staffs and faces both shrouded by the purest white light. Aragorn throws his sword and Gimli his ax but all are deflected. "Who are you?!" yells Aragorn.

"I am Saruman, or Saruman as he should have been," says the actual white one, face now uncovered. The other, who wears grey, also speaks though I cannot see their face.

"And I am y/n the Grey." What? I cannot believe my ears! In fact, I don't, until I see her beautiful face again. Wow, y/n a wizard? Never in my life could I have guessed. But here she is, my gorgeous y/n, standing in a robe of grey. I fall to the ground.

"Forgive me," I say.

"But, you fell, both of you," Aragorn stutters in disbelief.

"Ah yes, through fire and water. On the lowest dungeon to the highest peak we fought the Balrog of Morgoth," says y/n. "Until at last we threw down our enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside."

"To tell the truth I did nothing, for I became weak fast. Y/N really saved the day," the old Gandalf says.

"Oh be quiet, that's simply not true! Saruman did a lot! Anyway, darkness took us, and we strayed out of thought and time.

"Stars wheeled overhead and every day was as long as a life age of the earth, but it was not the end. I felt life in me again. We've been sent back until our task is done."

"Oh, Gandalf!" says Aragorn as he walks toward him.

"Gandalf? Oh, that is what they used to call me?" Aragorn nods. "I was Gandalf the Grey. Now I am Gandalf the White."

"What did they call me before?" y/n says.

"We've always called you y/n," says Gimli.


"Yes," I rise and walk over to her, take her hand, and stare into her wonderful e/c eyes. She seems confused, her brows furrowed deep in thought. She slowly pulls her hand away.

A horrible idea shoots through my mind and I quietly draw in my breath. She doesn't remember me. I step away.

"Well, we better get a move on. We must go to Rohan!" Aragorn shouts, happier than I've seen him in a long while. So we walk toward the edge of the forest and when we get there, Gandalf whistles, a very shrill sound. And from the corner of my eye, I see a white horse appear. I gasp in surprise.

"This is one of the Mearas!" I exclaim.

"Shadowfax, the Lord of all horses, has been my friend for many years." I chuckle as Gandalf slightly struts over to him and climbs on. We all take our own horses.

I'm about to ask y/n if she wants to ride with me on mine, but Gimli climbs on behind me and she immediately climbs on with Gandalf. The two must have really grown close while in the Underworld.

And then she smiles that gorgeous smile and I wonder about our future.

If she will remember.

If we will ever be together again.

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