Part Five: Boromir

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It is the next day and the Fellowship is on their feet again. It is most likely half-past noon. This time, it is Boromir who you speak to, and not by your choice. Currently, he is telling you about the time when he saves a young family from a Warg.

"And so, I swung my sword at his head and chopped it clean off." You are barely listening, too preoccupied looking at Legolas. "The family's mother comes up to me and tells me she is forever in my debt. I shrug it off, after all, it was only a Warg. 'You need not thank me' I tell her." He starts another story, probably about something heroic that he didn't actually do.  

"Boromir," you interrupt him. "That's great and all, but I really must be going. I promised Gimli last night that I would talk to him today," you lie. "So, goodbye." You walk away. 

"But, Y/N! Can you not wait for a little...oh, she doesn't care, does she?" In your head, you say, nope.

"Hey Gimli, how are you?" 

"Fine," he answers. "Boromir tiring you out with his fake stories, eh?"

"Gimli, I swear you can read my mind."

"Well, I don't know about that, but we dwarves are VERY cunning." You smile and so does he. You look down at your feet. "You do know that he likes you, right?" He points at Legolas. "I can just tell."

"Yes, I have been told so. But I don't like him the slightest bit. He honestly gets on my nerves."

"Well, why is that? He's an elf like unto you, and a handsome one at that."

"Boromir? He is a man. And even if he was an elf, I would not court him for a thousand gold coins."

"Boromir? BOROMIR? Ah, haha ha ha! You think I was talking about him? My dearest Y/N, I think I know you. You would never ever court him for a million gold coins, either. I mean Legolas. Surely you think good of him?"

"Yes, I think good of him. More than good, actually. I do take a liking to him. Legolas is one of the nicest people I've ever been blessed to meet. But surely he doesn't think of me in the same way."

"Are you sure? I assume then that you have not caught him looking at you, and talking to me about you. Honestly, Y/N, you are blind."

Well, then you had caught his eye. But you didn't think that mattered. But then again, he had put his arm around your shoulders and promised to protect you from Boromir. Maybe he did like you! You smile and blush the tiniest bit. "Do you really think so, Gimli?"

"Are you kidding? I know so!" He pats your back, and he has to stand on his toes to do so. 

All of the sudden, you reach up to your neck in pain and fall to the ground. "Gimli," your voice is coarse. "Help me!" He pulls you up from the ground in no time at all.

"What happened, Y/N? Are you alright?" He asks. 

"Frodo has given me the ring. I offered to help bear the burden because you can just see how much pain it has caused him already. I couldn't stand to see him be hurt any more by it." You pause to catch your breath. "Of course, I only will wear it around my neck until the end of today."

"Well let me take the next turn then." Gimli always made you smile when you didn't have the heart to. "You know, Y/N, you are very lucky to have a man such as Legolas. Now don't you go around telling people that I said that, because we dwarves have to be against elves. I, personally, don't understand it... What? What did I say?"

You had started snickering, and that turned into a giggle, and Gimli joined in, even though it was him you were making fun of. Gimli, the one dwarf who dislikes elves the most, says he does not understand the tension between elf and dwarf?! You laugh harder. And harder. And harder. And soon, the whole Fellowship has it started up too.

Once the laughter has subsided (mostly), Legolas walks over to you. He takes your hand and laces his fingers in between yours, where they fit perfectly. "Y/N, you have one contagious laugh." You look up into his bright blue eyes and smile. You can see just how much he cares for you. 

"Now Y/N, don't you forget what I told you," Gimli says. 

You laugh once again. "Gimli, I could never." 

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