Part Twenty-eight: The Last Battles

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But it doesn't last long. "Hey, we're still here," Gimli says. You turn your head and look at him and Aragorn standing together. Aragorn tries to keep his lips from displaying a smile, but he doesn't succeed very much. Gimli is annoyed. "We still have a problem on our hands and we've got to fix it. Get up, you two!"

"Ok, ok, fine," Legolas says. He gets up first and helps you up. "Oh, brother."

"What?" you ask.

You look up and see what he stares at. "There are ships, and I'm not sure they're our allies."  

Aragorn falls to the ground. "Here, we die. I have failed to gain more soldiers for the fight. I'm sorry." He hides his face in his hands and starts crying. You go over to him and put your hand on his shoulder.

"We will go down proudly, Aragorn," you say. "At least we tried."

"Not so fast," you hear a voice say. You turn around to see the King of the Dead floating there. "We will fight with you."

"Alright!" Gimli says proudly. "Problem solved. Let's plan a sneak attack. When the boats are closer, we will tell them that they cannot pass. Then, the ghosts will appear and BOOM! They all die, and we win. How's that?"

You look to Legolas, whose mind cannot seem to comprehend that Gimli was the one who came up with that brilliant plan. You laugh and say, "Well, we've got nothing better. Let's do it." And so the plan plays out exactly the way it was supposed to. 

You use your awesome skills to help out. You take out one man by simply knocking your staff on his head. You pull out your bow and start shooting people, never missing. Whenever someone gets too close for comfort, you take out your dagger and cut through their skin into their heart, killing them instantly. You repeat this process until there are none left, and you have none but a few scratches on your arms. 

"Let us go and be victorious again, at Minas-Tirith!" You say. You lift up your arm and everyone (including the dead) cheers. And so you start the journey, again, toward the capital of Gondor.


At last, you arrive at the scene of mass chaos. You observe it carefully before you go into it from the top of the hill. Legolas stands beside you. "Let's go," he says. Together, you charge, throwing yourselves at orcs, Uruk-hai, and anything that stands in your way.


When the battle is won, there are many dead. You run amongst the corpses, frantically searching for Legolas. You can't find him, but you do find Eowyn laying next to her uncle, the king, who has passed. Tears start streaming down your face as you help Eowyn up. "I'm so sorry," you say. 

"He was a very good man," she manages to speak.

"Yes, he was." There is a pause. "Have you seen Legolas?" you ask.

"He passed over. I didn't have the strength then to speak his name. He was most likely looking for you."

"He's alive?!" You are overjoyed.

"I believe so." You hug Eowyn. "Shall we look for him?" she asks.

"Sure! But what about your uncle?"

"Once we find Legolas, he can help us."

"Alright." So you run around (Eowyn walks, for she is still somewhat weak), calling his name. Then, you see a figure, standing in the distance. "Eowyn!" You point. She nods. You run it. As you get closer and closer, you see him.

Legolas starts running toward you and you almost collide. But he picks you up by your waist and swings you around. "Y/N," he says as he puts you down. "I thought you were gone again."

"The same, Legolas." You look to Eowyn, who stands awkwardly watching. "Umm, Legolas, you better come with us." The two of you lead him back to the dead king.

"Oh no," he says when he sees him. "Oh no!" He falls to his knees beside him and is silent for a moment. It is too much to bear. "Well," he says after a while. "Let's get him inside." So you, Eowyn and Legolas pick up the body of Theoden and bring him to Gandalf.

"We must have a proper funeral," Gandalf states. "But the time is not now. We must go to the Black Gate. Eowyn, you and your brother Eomer should stay behind, only to care and oversee your people. After all, you are the heirs of Rohan. Legolas, Y/N, make haste. Get ready to go."


You ride again on horseback to Mordor, with Legolas, Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, Gimli, Gandalf, and the men of Rohan and Gondor who didn't die are there as well. You are so close, your head is pounding. You feel like you might fall off your horse when Merry yells, "Look, there it is!"

You are distracted from the pain you feel for a moment as you look up and see the infamous Black Gate.

The army behind you stops, but you and Legolas and Gandalf, Merry, Pippin, and Aragorn and Gimli continue forward. "Let the Lord of the Black Land come forth!" Aragorn shouts at the gate. "Let justice be done upon him!" There is inaudible yelling, and the gate is opened. 

Something sitting atop a horse, both with armor covering their bodies, walks out. The only part visible of the...thing is its mouth. You gasp as it moves closer. It's ghastly! Then it starts to move. 

"My master Sauron the Great bids thee welcome," It says. 

"Tell your master this," Gandalf says. "The armies of Mordor must disband. He is to depart these lands, never to return."

"Aha! Old Greybeard! I have a token I was bidden to show thee." The Mouth of Sauron lifts up a white thing. You look closely and gasp again. It's Frodo's mithril vest! Tears start to form in your eyes as he throws it at Gandalf. "No," says Gandalf, very quietly but you still hear.

"FRODO!!" yells Merry and Pippin.

"Silence!" Gandalf yells at them.

"I see that he was dear to thee. Know that he suffered greatly at the hand of his host. Who knew one so small could endure so much pain?!" As the Mouth speaks, you see Aragorn inch closer on his horse. "And who is this? Isildur's heir? It takes more than a broken Elvish blade to make a king." And with that same blade, Aragorn beheads the Mouth in one swift movement. 

"I do not believe it. I will not," Aragorn says. The gate opens farther and you can see a large army of orcs, ready for battle. "Pull back! Pull back!" You follow his orders. He turns around and charges along the line of soldiers. He speaks. 

"Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers. I see it in your eyes, the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day!" You cheer. "An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand! Men of the West!"

You all unsheath your weapons and cheer. The orcs come charging, and you meet them. Fighting and fighting, you push your way through on your horse. By now, the army has been completely been surrounded by orcs. You continue to battle the horrible creatures. 

Now, there are cave trolls. You can see Aragorn get squished under one's foot. You see Legolas racing toward it, ready to avenge him. But Aragorn emerges, having stabbed the beast. He and Legolas defeat the troll together and you smile as you stab your sword through an orc's face.  

In the midst of the battle, you look up and see the huge eye of Sauron flare. The orcs and others run away, realizing that they are free, and you don't have to battle anymore. You realize that Frodo and Sam are still alive, and they have succeeded in defeating Sauron. You raise your sword and scream in victory, "They did it! They did it, those hobbits!" 

You climb on an eagle that had come to help fight and wait for Legolas join to you. You take off when he does and go to save them from the now exploding volcano. You swoop over them and the eagle takes one in each claw. And you fly away from the Black Lands, hopefully, to never return.

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