Part Twenty-nine: Back Home

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You arrive in Rivendell midmorning after a long journey riding eagle-back with Legolas. He gets off and helps you down. You both walk inside, carrying your stuff. You see Gandalf and Aragorn, talking with...your father, Lord Elrond! You drop your things and race to him and pull him into a hug. "Father!" you say when you break apart. "I've missed you so much!"

"I'm so glad that you are safe, Y/N. You must tell me everything that happened. How about at dinner, when everyone has arrived?" 

"Sure!" You look over at Legolas, who smiles. "Umm, Father, can I talk to you?"

"Well, isn't that what we are doing?" he says. You both laugh at the memory. "Of course. Excuse us, my friends, my daughter and I have some catching up to do." He takes your arm.

"Of course," says Aragorn, and he and Gandalf walk out.

"Y/N," Legolas says. "I'm going to make a quick trip to my own father in Mirkwood. May I take a horse, Lord Elrond?"


"Legolas," you say. "Be back before dinner." He smiles and nods, then walks out.

"And I would like to talk to you when you get back," Lord Elrond calls. He leads you into another room. Your father sits in a chair and you sit in one across from him. "Now, y/n, what is it?"

"I had a dream, father. You spoke to me in it."

"So it did work." He smiles. "I guess you would like me to explain."

"Yes," you reply.

"Ok, well. I told you that you were not like me. Well, you can see that you are now a wizard. That is what I meant. You see, I knew this would happen before you left. In fact, right when you were born, your mother and I knew that you were to be different. I knew you were destined to become one of the Istari. I only did not tell you because...I did not want you to be scared of your future. I'm sorry." He puts his head in his hands.

"Oh, don't be sorry," you say. "It's fine. What did you mean when you said that I had the chance to do great things, but not yet?"

"I knew that you hadn't gotten the extent of your powers yet, and so I meant that you would be able to do incredible things once you had gotten them. I wanted you to be prepared somewhat."

You look at him. "I love you so much, father."

"I love you too, Y/N."


Later, everyone else has arrived, and you are meeting with Ardhoniel and Pandothiel, two old friends, at Ardhoniel's house. You laugh and joke together, catching up. "Well, I must be off," you say. 

"I'm so happy that you are here," Pandothiel says. Your friends escort you to the door and give you hugs. 

You walk back toward your house. You see Legolas, back already, walking toward you. "Y/N," he says when he reaches you.

"Legolas," you say back. "What are you doing?"

"I was looking for you," he responds. "I wanted to know if you would walk around town with me."

"Sure." You take his hand. "Would you like to try Melda's Bakery?"

"Perfect. Let's go there first. What should we get?"

"How about just some pie?"

"Sure," he says. 

You walk in, a good amount of people are there. Melda meets you and takes you to a booth. You sit down and Legolas sits across from you. 

"What would you like today, princess?" she asks. 

"We're just gonna get some of Melda's classic pie."

"Coming right up." Melda walks away into the kitchen and comes right back with one fresh baked and a knife, two forks, and plates. "Here you go."

"Thank you," Legolas and you say at the same time. You put a bit on your fork and put it into Legolas's mouth. "How is it?" You ask.

He swallows, and his face lights up. "That was wonderful!" he says. He picks up his own fork and eats more. You eat some and it's the same as before, delicious. You look at Legolas, who is really enjoying it. 

"Legolas," you say. "I just realized that this really our first date."

"Wow," he responds. "I just...feel like I've known you forever."

"Yeah. It's been over two years."

"That reminds me..." he gets up out of his seat, and you do the same. "I've been thinking about this for a while now." He gets down on one knee and pulls out a small box. He opens it. Inside is a beautiful ring. Your hands fly up to your face and cover your mouth. "Y/N," he says. "Will you marry me?"

"Oh my gosh! Yes!" He takes the ring out of the box and you give him your hand. He slides the ring on your finger, stands up and kisses you. You hear cheering from the other customers. You stop kissing and you yell, very excitedly, "I'm engaged!!!"


Back home, it's dinner time. There is a large feast. You sit next to Legolas and your father. You see Frodo is conscious again, and you smile. Gimli, Gandalf, Aragorn, Arwen, Sam, Merry, and Pippin are there also. When dinner is served, your father asks for an account of the whole journey, and so you all relay the story through your own points of view as you eat. You all laugh and joke and have a good time. 

You look to Legolas. "Should we now?"

"Yes, now is a good time," he replies. You nod and clink your glass to get everyone's attention. You both stand.

"Hey everyone! Legolas and I have an announcement to make." There is whispering. "We are engaged!" Everyone cheers.

"Congratulations!" Frodo says.

"Let's have a toast!" Pippin raises his glass, and so does everyone else. "To Y/N and Legolas, forever!" 

"Forever!" says everyone. You clink glasses and drink. Legolas leans over and kisses you on your cheek and you smile. "Yes, forever," you whisper to him.

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