Part Twelve: Lothlorien

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A/N: The rest of the story will be presented in Legolas' point of view unless I say otherwise.

I watch as my best friend falls down to her death. I feel as though a huge part of me has been taken away, never to be brought back again. I stare blankly at the scene before me, traumatized. I wanted to take our relationship to the next step, but now, all hope of that is gone. Now, she has no future with me or any future at all. 

Aragorn turns and runs outside, and we have no choice but to follow. The hobbits are scattered, crying. Boromir hugs Gimli. I look over to Aragorn, who has shed a single, quiet tear. I arrive next to him and collapse onto the ground and bury my face in my hands. "Now now, Legolas." He pats my back gently. "It will all turn out fine." I look up at him and he smiles a considerate loving smile. 

"How can you say that? Y/N and Gandalf are gone forever because I didn't save them when I should have. All hope is lost." I turn to face away from him.

"Are you sure?" Aragorn puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, Gandalf has his ways." He turns to the others. "We cannot stay here."

"Give them a moment, for pities sake!" shouts Boromir.

"By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with orcs! We must reach the wood of Lothlorien. Boromir, Gimli, get them up!" He turns back to me and helps me up. And we continue on our journey, though I can barely stand without Y/N.


"Hobbits, you must stay close," says Gimli. "They say there's a great sorceress in these woods. An Elf-witch of immense power. All men who look upon her fall under a spell and are never seen again." I roll my eyes at him. He grunts. "Well, here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily! I have the ears of a fox and the eyes of a hawk!" I laugh. Here's one dwarf who's so stuck up, I think.

A few minutes later we are surrounded by elves pointing their bows loaded with arrows directly at us. I pull out mine and nock an arrow, aiming right back. But then Haldir, an old friend of mine, steps forward. I lower my bow. "The dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark," he says. I chuckle. "Welcome Legolas, son of Thranduil, to Lothlorien!" He says in Elvish. He turns around and faces his troop. "Lower your weapons. We have visitors!" They lead us along a very long, winding path.  

We soon arrive at this hill atop which sat a beautiful thriving city made into the wood! I gasp. Sure, Mirkwood had trees as well, but never ever has the work of the elves ceased to amaze me. The gorgeous architecture was there everywhere I turned. Amazing arches, wonderfull suspended houses clinging to the trees just barely. 

Haldir leads us to Lady Galadriel and Celeborn, king and queen of Lothlorien. He greets us each with a warm embrace. "How are you, my friends? We are so glad that you could pass through. Please, let my servants take you to some rooms and you can get acquainted with yourselves. But Legolas and Aragorn, please stay back so I may speak to you in private." Celeborn glances toward Gimli. Obviously, he doesn't trust him too much. I wait for the others to be shown to their quarters. And then Aragorn and I step forward and bow to the king. "Eight there are, yet ten sought out from Rivendell to complete this task." I look down at my feet and feel ashamed. "Tell me, where are Gandalf and y/n? I wish to speak to them, but seeing they are not here I cannot." 

"They both have fallen into shadow, milord," I hear Aragorn whisper, regarding I cannot. My mind wanders away from the conversation they are having and into my own thoughts, the ones that have been consuming my mind quite often lately. There was so much I could have done to save them. And I blew it. I can feel a hot wet tear drop down my face. It was all my fault.  

Then a gentle voice snaps me out of my reverie. "Legolas" I look up to see the face of the beautiful Lady Galadriel staring right at me with a caring look in her eyes. She speaks to me telepathically once more. "You need not stay if this topic hurts you. Go now to your bedroom. You need rest." And she shoos me away. I turn around and start walking, not knowing at all where the sleeping chambers are. 

But that's alright. I can figure it out myself. And I wander around, taking everything in, not trying too hard to look for the rooms. I must have been at it for a few hours because I realize just how tired I am and now wish I had asked for directions. But I keep roaming around, determined.

And during my search, I stumble upon the most elegant room I have ever seen. There are chairs and sofas with cushions made of the softest white material. A large window views the town below, probably the best you could get, lined with white curtains. I look around and see paintings on the walls, mostly a palette of grays and whites. I go and sit in a chair. There is something about this room that makes me feel safe and comforted. I want to stay in here forever and maybe fall asleep in one of those comfy chairs, but that was not prince-like and I ALWAYS have to be a role model for others, according to my father Thranduil. No matter where I am.

And so finally I choose to get up and ask someone about it. This nice elf only a tiny bit older than me helps me out. "Hantanyel (thank you)," I tell him, and turn around and close the door. I fall onto my bed with a fluffy feather pillow and sleep comes and whisks me away.

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