Part Twenty-two: Isengard

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You've been riding alone on your horse, just following Gandalf on the way through Fangorn Forest. You're so consumed in the conversations of the trees that you almost don't see Gimli on his horse come to trot alongside you. "Oh, hi Gimli."

"Hello, y/n," he replies. "How have you been doing?"

"I'm not sure. I think Legolas is mad at me," you say.

"Oh, I'm sure he's not. Why don't you go an' talk to him?"

"Last time I tried that, I got a door shut in my face."

"Oh, come on y/n. You're brave! Braver than me! And I'm very brave," Gimli says. 

You laugh. "Ok, I'll do it. Right now," so you steer your horse over to Legolas. 

------LEGOLAS POV------

She's silent for a moment. "Hey," she finally speaks.

"Hey," I say, looking down. "I guess you want to hear about Pippin and Merry."

"Yeah." More silence. "Legolas?"


"Are you still mad at me?"

"Y/N, I was never mad." I look up at her "I just...needed some time to myself, I think."

"Ok. So, are we friends?" I look down again. Friends. That cuts, deep. But I try not to show it. 

"Yes." By saying this, I finally have brought myself to accept it. "We are friends." Nothing more.

Y/N smiles. "Alright then. Now, who are those hobbits?" And so I tell her how funny, brave, and smart they are, with a few stories along the way. Now I'm smiling, looking back on these wonderful memories. 

------Y/N POV------

You talk and talk with Legolas until you reach a large tower, sitting in the middle of what looks like a very new swamp. "Isengard," says Gandalf. "Let us go face Saruman." All the horses walk up to the tower. "Saruman!" Gandalf yells. He appears at the top of the tower and starts talking to Gandalf. It gets pretty boring, so you lead your horse away to a sound you hear. Two...voices.

"I feel like I'm back at the Green Dragon," says one.

"Mmmm," the other agrees. "Green Dragon!"

"A mug of ale in my hand, putting my feet up on a settle after a hard day's work."

"Only, you've never done a hard day's work," says the second voice. They chuckle as you turn the corner, to see that the voices belong to two little men, conversing as they smoke pipes and feast.

They see you when you dismount your horse. "Y/N!" They jump up and run to you and give you a hug. Or, rather your legs, as that's all they can reach. You are surprised. You bow down to hug them back. "Wait. How are you here?" they ask simultaneously. 

"I'm not exactly sure," you say truthfully. "Ask Gandalf. He's back too." They smile at you. "Ok, now which one of you is Pippin?" One of them raises their hand gleefully, the other looking confused. As Pippin lowers his hand, he realizes that something isn't quite right.

"What do you mean, y/n?" Merry asks.

"Oh, right," you sigh. "You guys don't know. I can't remember anything before The Fall. At first, Gandalf thought it was some sort of spell placed upon me by Saruman, but now we don't think so. It might just be amnesia. But I've been able to remember some things, like my family and when I first met Gimli." 

"Speaking of Gimli, where is the rest of the group?" asks Pippin. You hoist him and then Merry on your horse, then climb on.

"Let's go see them, shall we?" They nod their heads and you take your horse to them.

As they come into view, you see something white, falling from the tower. Saruman! He hits a giant wheel and falls into the marsh. When you reach everyone, Pippin jumps off the horse and goes toward the corpse of Saruman. He picks up a glossy black sphere: The Palantir!

"I'll take that," Gandalf says as he does so. "Nice to see you, Peregrin Took. And you Merry." You look behind you to see Merry grinning from ear to ear. What happy beings are Merry and Pippin! Their joy just emulates, and you can't help smiling.

"Well, we came here and found some of what we were looking for," says Aragorn, also smiling as he eyes the hobbits. "But are unable to get the rest. That's ok. Let's head on back to Helm's Deep!"

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