Part Twenty-seven: Dunharrow

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------Y/N POV------

Now, it is the night. You are now camping at Dunharrow. You walk around and see Eowyn staring at Aragorn, again. Oh, how unfortunate, you think. Falling in love with a person who cannot return it towards you. Well, at least she is human and can find love again, for elves cannot love but once in their lives.

You see Aragorn get up and mysteriously go inside a tent, and you're not sure why, so you decide to investigate. You go over to the tent, crouch, and open a flap at the corner to peek in.

You look around. This is the king's tent! Aragorn speaks with him, but you are not able to hear distinct words. "Y/N," you hear. You take your head out of the tent and turn around, expecting someone to be standing there, scolding you for being nosy. But no one is in sight, so you look back into the tent. "Psst, Y/N!" You glance around in the tent. Then you see the corner of the tent to your left. Gimli's head is there, and right over his is Legolas's. "Y/N! Hi!" Gimli whispers quite loudly. He waves.

"Shhhh!" You tell him. "Be quiet!" Legolas removes his head from atop Gimli's. Why did he leave?

You try to observe the scene in front of you. Aragorn is telling Theoden that...wait, what? He's leaving? Now?! But we are about to arrive in Gondor!

Just then, you feel the tent flap move from around the right side of your face. It is replaced by Legolas's. His cheek is warm against yours, and you smile. "So," you say. "You'd rather be by my side than Gimli's? I'm surprised."

"Oh stop. You know I'm in love with you. And besides, Gimli is a dwarf, the only one I am even friends with."

"I was joking! You take everything so seriously." The two (well, three) of you continue watching and listening intently until Aragorn walks out. "Oh, and apparently, he's leaving!"

"Well then," Legolas responds. We shall go with him. Let's gather our things." And you do.


"Aragorn!" you yell to him. You see him mounting his horse, and you bolt toward him. You see Eowyn running away, a tear running down her cheek. "Don't go!"

"Not without us," Legolas adds, arriving beside you.

"But I must," he says sadly. "This is my burden, no one else's. Besides, where I'm going, no one has ever returned alive. Please, stay."

"Are ya' mad?" Gimli says, disappointed. "Of course we're coming with you!" He runs on his stubby little legs, trying to catch up. He struggles to mount the horse, but he does. Eventually.

Aragorn laughs. "Ok, fine. But you've been warned." And so you set off, between a gap in the mountain.


"Uhh, I don't like this," says Gimli. "I'm getting an eerie vibe."

You laugh. "Oh, Gimli, you're scared."

"Well, I never said that." You and Legolas chuckle."I just, don't want to be eaten alive by some monster, alright?" 

You're on a horse, sitting behind Legolas, your arms wrapped around his waist so you don't fall. But of course, that's not really the reason. You are an elf! Elves are stealthy and know how to stay in balance.

You ride with him on a path through the mountains that is dark, damp, and foggy. The atmosphere holds a tension that makes you squeeze Legolas tighter, holding him even closer than before. 

"Here it is," Aragorn stops. "The land of the dead, my friends. Are you sure you want to continue on with me?"

"We're not backing down, Aragorn," Legolas states. "We love and care for you. If anything happens to you, we'll be there to help."

"Yeah, what he said." You look over to Gimli, who smirks. You laugh underneath your breath.

"Besides," you point out. "If I'm not here and something does happen to you, who will tell my sister whatever devastating news? No one will know, and she'd be super sad." 

"Alright, alright! I get it, you're my friends for life. Let's just go now." Aragorn says, turning. 

You get off the horse after Legolas, who helps you down. You take his hand and start walking in. Then, you hear a whoosh and the horses get spooked. They run away. "Oh no," you say.

"It'll be alright, Y/N," Legolas consoles you. You both take a deep breath and keep walking, following the others. You walk through the mountain. Human skeletons and skulls are scattered everywhere. You bend down and look at one and move on.

You navigate through the place until you come to a large space with a building. "Who dares enter my domain?"

"One who will have your allegiance." Aragorn stands up to the King of the Dead, looking strong and, well, kingly.

"The dead do not suffer the living to pass."

"You will suffer me!" An army of ghosts appears and surrounds you suddenly, and it startles you.

"The way is shut! It was made by those who are dead. And the dead keep it. The way is shut!" The king repeats. "Now you must die!"

"I summon you to fulfill your oath!" Aragorn proclaims.

"No one but the King of Gondor can do that, I'm afraid." The king comes closer and makes to attack Aragorn, but he pulls out his sword and blocks him.

"Do you not want to be released from this curse?" Aragorn asks the army of souls. "If you serve me, you may rest a peaceful, eternal rest. What say ye?" There is no answer, so he asks again. "What say ye?!"

"We say that now you must die!" The ghosts start to disappear all around. You are left standing alone.

The walls and floor start to shake. All the sudden, skulls and bones shoot through the strange building's pores. You all try your best to escape. You are the first to get to the door when you hear an "Ahhh!" You turn around and see Legolas, hanging on barely, but dangling from a short cliff. You race back to him and reach for his hand. 

"Take it, Legolas." He looks at you. He trusts you. "Please, take my hand."

The walls and everything around you shakes harder, faster, and the place is crumbling apart. "Y/N," he says. "If I don't make it, I love you."

"No, Legolas!" How could he not make it? "Why won't you just take my hand?" You're crying now, the tears sting your face along with dust.

"I was joking!" he says. "You take everything so seriously." Legolas takes your hand and you hoist him up. You run together out of the caving mountain, just in time.

You stop to catch your breath and then cross your arms. "That was not a funny joke, Legolas." You turn away from him. You reach up and find that your face is still wet with fresh tears.

He comes at you from behind. He tackles you and brings you to the ground and holds you in his arms. You giggle as you try to escape the trap of love that could only be set by Legolas himself. It doesn't work.

After a minute or so, he lets go and lays on his back. You do the same. "But really," Legolas confesses. What I said back there was true."

"Yes, I love you too," you say. You reach for his hand and steal it. And you stay like that.

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