Part Thirteen: The River

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I wake early the next morning even though I went to sleep late last night. I try to fall back asleep because I am still very tired, but nothing happens and I just lay there in silence. So I decide to get up and look for that room I found last night.

When I finally find it, there are no people there. I go and sit on a chair and my mind starts to wander off. I sit there for a while and almost doze off again, but then I hear footsteps. I jerk my head up from where it had been resting on my hands. Andaer, the servant who helped me out last night, walks by the room, stops, and gasps. He is looking straight at me. "Excuse me, sir, but that room is off limits. No one goes in there anymore." 

I stand up immediately. "Oh, I'm so sorry, sir. I had no idea!" I make my way over to him. 

"Also, the queen wants to see you." I nod my head. I follow Andaer to the throne room, which is of course so very astonishing. Wow. I must have said it out loud because Andaer said, "It is wonderful, isn't it?"

Galadriel stands up when we reach her. She waves her hand, motioning for everyone else to leave. And then it's just me and her alone.

"Legolas, how are you doing?"

"I am quite well. And you?"

"The same, I suppose. How do you like it here in Lothlorien?"

"I love it here. It just calms me down, and that's good because I have a lot on my mind."

"I'm glad to hear that. But now we must talk of . . . less-enjoyable topics. So, what exactly happened in Moria that day?" And so I relay the story to her, step-by-step, staring at my feet again, on the verge of tears. "Oh, I see. Legolas, can I tell you something?"

"Yes, anything, milady."

"I know that after this...this...this tragedy, you are doubting yourself and your abilities. I need you to know that it was no one's fault, and most certainly not yours. Also, as you may know, I have been blessed with the gift of precognition. I know that you think that you will never love again because elves only love once, but I know that you will find Love again, for I have seen it."

"I'll just feel guilty if I love someone else. It'll be like I betrayed her."

"That feeling will subside, Legolas. And you will soon find out why. But you must go to the dining hall now, you need something to eat for the long journey ahead." I bow and turn.

Then I turn back around. "Umm, where is the dining hall exactly?" I ask, a bit shy.

"Andaer!" Galadriel shouts. He arrives very quickly. "Please show Legolas to the dining hall."

"Yes, ma'am." I follow him once again through the large palace of wood, smelling something good as we get closer.

Breakfast was the most delicious blueberry scones ever, with a side of eggs. After I was finished eating, I went straight to my bedroom to get ready to go. Then I went outside.

Some servants are getting boats ready for departure. And one by one the rest of the fellowship comes streaming out, along with Galadriel and Celeborn. The fair mistress starts handing out gifts to everyone. Frodo gets a small bottle of liquid, which I later learn is the light of Earendil, a star. Sam gets Elven rope, Merry and Pippin are presented with daggers, Aragorn an elvish hunting knife. Then, Boromir receives a golden belt and Gimli asks for a hair off Galadriel's head. I snicker. She gives him three!

And then my turn comes. I get a new bow with lovely new arrows as well. "Thank you, Galadriel."

"It was the least I could do, Legolas. Go now, and be safe!" She waves us off, and we go, down the river, continuing our quest to destroy the Ring of Power.


We travel for quite a while on the river but come to the end where a waterfall lies. Aragorn says, "We must wait till the cover of darkness, and then we cross the river. From there we will continue our journey to Mordor from the north." I nod to him. We set up a fire and gather around it to warm up.

Frodo stands. "I'll go get more firewood." He turns and walks away. Boromir goes and follows him. I look toward Aragorn and see that he feels uneasy about this, as do I. But neither of us does anything about it, so Samwise gets up and goes after them. Later we hear shouting and Aragorn stands and runs toward the sound. I want to go too but Gimli tells me to stay. Why I listen to a dwarf, I know not.

We sit in silence for a while longer and then hear more shouting, louder, more distressing. This time we all stand and run. When we reach the rest of the group, Frodo is gone. Aragorn and Boromir stand fighting Uruk-hai. Gimli pulls out his ax and I pull out my bow and we join them. I shoot three Uruk-hai straight through the head with a single arrow. I leap and kick others.

Amidst all the chaos, I manage to notice Merry and Pippin are missing. I wander away from the scene before me and walk to go find them.

I find Aragorn kneeling beside Boromir, who has three arrows in his torso, one at his gut, one at his waist, and one through his heart. After a moment or two of silence, Gimli and I help carry him outside to a boat. We let him drift away to rest, hopefully peacefully. I look down at my feet. I can't stand to see another person who I know well die (even if it was Boromir), mostly because it reminds me of y/n. I wonder what would have happened between us if she were still here.

I shake the thought from my mind. More important matters are on my hands now. "We must cross the river now if we are going to get any chance to catch up to them," I tell Gimli and Aragorn, the only two who are here now. But Aragorn shakes his head. "You have no intention of following them, do you?"

"Their fate is no longer in our hands," he says. "We must find Pippin and Merry so as to see them not tortured to death. We must stick together. Let us go!" And so we run, through the trees, taking only what we need.

A/N: Ok, I don't usually do these but I just wanted to ask you guys to comment on why the room would be off-limits. I want to hear your ideas. Thanks for reading this far and I hope you've enjoyed it!

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