Part Three: Council Meeting

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You wake up at your tree, the book still in hand. It's past dinnertime and you find yourself in need of food.

You sneak into the kitchen and find a plate with food and you eat. When you are finished, you creep up to your room and lie down for more sleep.


You wake up fairly early and decide to get ready even though the sun hasn't risen yet. Besides, you like the night better. 

You walk towards the training grounds. When you arrive, everything comes flooding back into your memory. Training usually calms you down, but that had been ruined. You want to turn back, but you can't use your powers during the day. You worry about getting the uncomfortable feeling again, but you want to work with your powers, so you face your fear and walk inside.

The dummy you were attacking yesterday was still standing there, unharmed. One day, Gandalf the Grey came to visit and put a spell on it so it could not be damaged permanently. That way, a new one didn't have to be made every day. 

You had brought your bow with you to practice. You pick up an arrow and coat it with a shadow. Nocking the arrow, you shoot it straight through the dummy's heart. You then walk towards it until you are about four feet away from it.  

You thrust your hand at its face and moonlight shoots out of it and damages the dummy. The body is torn up. Then, it heals itself and is back to normal. Still using your powers, you throw a punch to the face. The face becomes so worn it is unrecognizable. A kick to the chest. The left arm is on the ground and the dummy is completely demolished. It heals.

You step back in shock. You had no idea you were that powerful! You decide to try something you've never attempted. 

Concentrating, you close your eyes. You will the dummy to vanish. You imagine a place where it would end up, choosing your room. A minute later, breathing slowly, you open your eyes and almost faint at the sight of...nothing! The dummy has disappeared! You run to your room as quietly as possible, which is not very hard for an elf.

On your way, you spot something falling from above in the distance. It gets closer and closer and closer, and you finally realize, it's the dummy! You run as fast as your legs would take you and catch it. And by the time you arrive at your room after taking the dummy back to the yard, the sun has risen and you eat breakfast before everyone else, stealing a tiny bite of Lembas bread.


An hour or two later, you are sitting in a council meeting with your father, Gandalf, a hobbit, a dwarf, Aragorn, another man, a very attractive elf about your age, and others. 

Your father quiets everyone down with a wave of his hand. "Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite or you will fall. Each race is bound to this one fate, this one doom." He looks to the hobbit they call Frodo. "Bring forth the ring."

He walks up and places it on a small table in the center of the room. Gandalf speaks. "This ring is evil."

"It is a gift!" A man named Boromir stands. "Why not use this ring? Let us use it against the forces of evil!"

Aragorn arises. "You cannot wield it. None of us can. The ring answers to Sauron and Sauron alone. It has no other master."

"And what would a lowly ranger know of such matters?"

The cute elf stands. "This is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn."

"He is heir to Isildur?" Boromir asks in disbelief.

"And heir to Gondor." You can tell that he respects Aragorn very much.

Aragorn raises his hand. "Havo dad (sit down) Legolas." He hesitantly returns to his seat. He looks over at you. You catch him and he blushes slightly.

Lord Elrond says, "You have only one choice. It must be destroyed."

"Well what are we waiting for?" the younger dwarf brings his ax upon the ring, but it shatters. 

"The ring cannot be destroyed by any weapon that we possess, Gimli son of Gloin. It was forged in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade. It must be taken into the depths of Mordor and cast back into the flames!" he pauses. "Who will bear the ring?" All of a sudden, Gimli said something offensive to that adorable elf about elf kind, which will not be repeated, and every elf stands up, including you. Amidst all the arguing taking place around him, Frodo says, "I will do it, though I do not know the way."

Gandalf walks over to Frodo and places his hand on his shoulder. "I shall try to ease your burden, Frodo Baggins."

Aragorn walks over as well. "You shall have my sword."

"And my ax," says Gimli.

"And my bow," you say, but hear another voice speak the same words. You look up at the elf and he's smiling and blushing the tiniest bit. You smile and realize you are too.

 Then, Boromir says, "Wait, did she just say she was going on the quest? But she's a girl!"  

"I believe that she would not have been invited to this council if she wasn't fully capable of taking care of herself," the elf states, seemingly annoyed.

Boromir slowly examines you. He shrugs his shoulders. Then he turns to face Frodo. "Well, you carry the fate of us all, little one. If this is truly the will of the council, then by Gondor it shall be done." 

Then another hobbit comes into view. "Mr. Frodo's not going anywhere without me!" He says. Then, TWO MORE hobbits run into the room. "Or us!" They yell. Your father is dumbfounded. You giggle beneath your breath. "And besides, you need someone smart on this"

The other one whispers, "Well, that rules you out, Pippin."

"Well, ten companions... So be it! You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring," says Lord Elrond.

"Great, now where are we going?" Asks the supposedly smart one, Pippin. Oh great, you think in your head. This is going to be a long journey. 


Later, you are strolling down the streets of Rivendell, for it will be a long time before you see them again and want a fresh memory. Then, the elf suddenly appears beside you. You want to talk to him, but you are too shy.

Luckily, it's not you who starts the conversation. "Is this bakery any good?" he asks you.

You look to your right at the building. "Yes, Melda is very talented with her craft." Then you turn to the elf. "You should really try her food."

"Should I?" You nod and smile, then look toward the river the town is built around. "I don't think we have officially met," he says and stops walking so you do too. "I'm Legolas." He holds out his hand for you to shake it. 

You take it. It is warm and soft. "I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N." You shake it and then let go. 

"Yes, I know," he says. You're blushing, and you can feel it. You look down at your feet and keep walking. 

Then you remember the council meeting. "Hey, thanks for standing up for me back there."

"It's no big deal. It's what I do as the prince of Mirkwood."

"Wait, that's you? The son of Thranduil?" 

He smiles and blushes. "Yes, that is me. Aren't you royalty too?"

"Yes, I am heir to the kingdom."

"But what about your sister?"

"She is the real heir, but she has given me the birthright as she will most likely choose Aragorn and rule with him over Gondor. That is if he becomes king." 

"Oh." Legolas looks away. After a while, he says, "Well, it was nice meeting you y/n." Then he turns around walks up the hill toward your house where he must be staying.

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