Part Twenty-three: Celebration

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You're back at Edoras, the capital city of Rohan. Everyone has finally settled back in, and now the Great Hall is full and quiet. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we remember those who gave their blood to defend this country," says Theoden. He raises a glass for a toast. "Hail the victorious dead!"

"Hail!" shouts everyone as they raise their own goblets and then drink.

You're with Legolas and Gimli, who are both about to start a contest.

"No pauses, no spills," a man says.

"And no regurgitation!" says Gimli.

"So it's a drinking game?" You ask, confused. But you're not the only one. Legolas's face shows it too.

"Yes!" says a man laughing. "Go!" Gimli drinks his first mug at once, Legolas still a bit unsure as he takes a sip. 

After a while, it gets boring, as no one seems to be affected, so you decide to go and mingle around.

"Eowyn!" you call as you see her walking.

"Y/N! How have you been? I haven't seen you since you were in the infirmary...Now that I think of it, how did you heal so fast?"

"Where is a good place, away from everyone, that I can show you?"

Eowyn is puzzled, but says, "Follow me." She leads you out of the room and into a dimly lit corridor. "No one ever goes down this hallway. The rooms are guest chambers, but no one ever comes to visit, so they are never used. Except you and your crew."

"But even those are down another hall," you say.

"Yes." Eowyn stops and enters a room, taking a candle off the wall. You follow, closing the door. 

"Actually it might be more fun if there's no light at all," you suggest after sitting on the bed. 

"Alright." She extinguishes the flame. "Now what is it? I'm excited but scared."

"No need to be frightened." You move your hands around and light appears. You look up to see Eowyn's face.


"I know!" Your hands spin and create a mini bust of Eowyn.

"That's amazing!"

"Yeah. So the reason I'm showing you this is that not only can it be cool, it can heal. That's how I am here, and not on a hospital bed."

"Wow!" Eowyn is happy, very happy, as she watches you do your thing. "I can't believe it! Were you born with these powers?"

"Umm, I'm not sure. I don't remember."

"Oh." There is silence, in the dark, after you stop making things. "Well," Eowyn says, "I better return to the party, as my uncle doesn't get worried. Are you going to come back?"

"I'm going to stay here for a while. It's too noisy out there. But I'll be out later," you say.

"Alright. Would you like a candle?"

"Yes, that'd be much appreciated, thank you." And so she leaves, after giving you the source of light. 

You recline on the bed. You think: Was I born with these abilities?  Remember. Remember. "Remember, y/n. Remember!" you say aloud. "Remember!" You clench your fists in frustration. "Why did this happen to me?" You yell a the top of your lungs into a pillow. Oooh. The pillow is comfortable. You close your eyes and let sleep take you away.


In your dream, there is light. And words, but you cannot distinguish them. The light gets brighter, the words become more nonsensical. The person speaks more intense, and louder, and louder, and louder and LOUDER!


You wake and sit up, sweating. You look to the candle, its wick is still high. It looks as if no time has passed at all. You have a tremendous headache. "What just happened?" you ask yourself. You decide to go find Gandalf and tell him about it. 

You walk into the large room, filled with citizens. You walk by Gimli and Legolas, still playing that drinking game. Gimli looks like he's about to pass out. You forget about the dream and watch. Your headache subsides.

Gimli downs another glass, smiles, and goes cross-eyed. He keels over.

"Game over!" Legolas is truly happy, the happiest that you've seen him in a long time. But then you realize, how long is this "long time"?

Then, everything stops. All you see is black. Nothing else.

A scene appears. You recognize the situation. It's you, holding onto Gandalf's cloak for dear life, and then falling. Another one. It's you, again, fighting a gigantic squid, rescuing a small man. Frodo.

You remember Boromir, how horrible he is, and how you pulled a knife against him.

You remember the mountain.

You remember the door to Moria. The fight with Gandalf. Training.

You remember everything. 

You remember Legolas.

At that moment, you find yourself opening your eyes to see him coming toward you. You smile. "Hello y/n," he says, "Enjoying the party?"

"Yes," you say, trying to keep your cool. "Come with me," you say to him.

"Where are we going?" He asks.

"Somewhere." You lead him down the corridor Eowyn showed you earlier. You find the room you were in, where the candle still burns on the nightstand. You lead him in and close the door.

"What's going on?" Legolas looks scared, but also like he enjoys the mystery.

"I have a secret to share," you say.

"Alright then." he stands there, waiting.

"I have to whisper it in your ear, just in case someone is around."

"Ok." He comes close to you and faces his left ear toward your face. You lean in and with almost no pitch to your voice, you say it.

"I love you."

His face, in that instant, turns toward yours in shock. He opens his mouth to say something but can't, as you pull him even closer and your lips touch his. He stops thinking whatever he's thinking as he kisses you back, holding you so tight and so close. You close your eyes. His kiss is just as it was before, so soft and sweet.

"I...was afraid...I'd...lost you," Legolas says when he pauses to take a breath.

"It's ok...I'm back," you console him, though your being there probably already does.

"Yes," he agrees. "That's all...that matters now." You smooch a little more. "Gosh, I've missed you so much." He says when you stop. he sits on the bed and you follow him.

"I can't even imagine what that must have been like." You look at him. "I'm sorry I put you through that."

"It wasn't your fault." he pulls you close again for a hug. He rests his head on yours as you put your ear on his chest. You hear his heartbeat. It's fast. Very fast. "Y/N?" he asks.


"I love you too." You look up at him and smile. He does the same. You lean close and peck him on the cheek. There's some sweet silence as you look into his beautiful blue eyes,

"Well, we better go back out. Gandalf'll be wondering where we went."

"Yes," Legolas says hesitantly. "I'll guess we must." He stands up and holds out his hand for you to take it. You do, and you walk out together, back through the hall, into the crowd of people. 

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