Part Twenty-six: Leaving for Minas-Tirith

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"But sir, we must go. There are many lives depending on it," you say to King Theoden, you and Legolas arm-in-arm.

"But they never came to our aid when we were depending on it. We've lost many men in battle because of them," Theoden argues, his back toward you.

"Sir, you must strive to be the bigger person in the situation. Anyway, aren't your allies growing thin?" Legolas points out.

"Well, yes. I suppose they are." There is silence for a while. Theoden turns around. "Yes, we will leave in three days time for Mines-Tirith. Go and tell all the men."

You smile a smile of relief. "Yes, of course." You turn to go and Legolas follows.

Once you are out of the room, Legolas stops, so you do the same. "Y/N, you are the most persuasive person I know." He leans in for a kiss. 

You break apart and say, "It wasn't just me, it was you too." You kiss him again and then smile. "C'mon, let's go."


It is the morning of the third day, and everyone is saying their goodbyes. You watch from the top of Edoras, just outside the King's Hall. You notice how worried the women and children are, and you realize that you weren't around to witness this before the other large battle of Helm's Deep. Oh, the hurt and longing everyone must feel. You, yourself, long for Rivendell, and your family and friends. The quaint little shops, the mountains, and the river, especially.

The sound of his voice whisks you away, out of your memories, a place you've caught yourself in quite often lately. "Y/N," he says, wrapping his arms around you in a hug from behind. He whispers in your ear: "It's time to go." You close your eyes and just feel the warmth from his arms around you, from his body right next to yours. 

You hug his arms in return and say, "Not for a moment, my dear." So the two of you stay like that for a while, listening to the songs of the birds and taking in your surroundings, loving it.

But, as time goes on, so does life, and you must learn to move with it. So you open your eyes and he lets go. "Now, we really must go," he says. 

"Alright. I'll just be a minute." You turn around and head inside to fetch your things and come back out. Together, you and Legolas walk through and out of Edoras, following all the men who have already begun the long journey. At the end of the line, you and he turn around and wave, to all the miserable townsfolk. "We'll be back," you call. "Don't you worry."

------LEGOLAS POV------

"So," I say, trying to start some conversation. "What are your plans? You know, for after this is all over?"

"I...don't know. I'll probably just go home, back to the boring life I was living," Y/N responds. "How about you?"

"I'm not too sure either," I lie. "Most likely, I'll do the same. Until coronation, that is." This part is not a lie.

"When's that?"

"When I become of age."

"Oh. Mine won't happen until my father decides ro rejoin my mother in Valinor. And even then, it probably won't happen."

"What are you saying?"

"Well, the thing is..." she pauses. "See, I don't mean to bring shame upon my family or me or anyone, but...ok, you can't tell anyone, especially my father." Y/N looks at me with such sincere trust, I almost have to look away.

"I won't," I say, and that's the truth.

"Ok, well, I'm thinking about not...being...coronated."

"Really?" I say.

"Yeah. I'm just not sure that I'm cut out for that level of power. Not yet, at least. See, I think I'd be fine if I was second in command or something." 

"Well, then who's gonna take over the kingdom if you don't?"

"One of my brothers. In my kingdom, we like to give positions to girls before considering boys. It's just our culture."

"Oh." She's so pretty, I don't understand how it's possible. I reach for her hand and she lets me take it. I can't help myself from speaking my mind. "Y/N, I can't stand it."

"What?" she asks.

"You! How are you so beautiful? I just don't get it."

I see her blush. "Oh, stop it." She playfully pushes my shoulder.

"No, because it's true."

"But you, Legolas, are too good for this world. You save it and mine every minute."

"No need for flattery, you know you've already won me over." I lean over and peck her on the cheek. "Yes, y/n, I love you."

"And I you, Legolas."

"Good." She laughs and I smile.

Fate: A Legolas X Reader Story (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now