Part Twenty-four: The Plan

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You are awoken by a small knock on your bedroom door. You get up and put on your shawl over your nightclothes and get the door, opening it to Legolas.

"Hey y/n, I was wondering if you'd want to come outside with me," he says, a bit nervous.

"Of course," you respond. You walk with him out to the front of the king's doorstep. You overlook the city of Edoras and absorb the scene. "What a beautiful sight at night, don't you think?"

"Yes, it is beautiful," Legolas agrees. He takes your hand. "Y/N, Sauron is on the move. I can just feel it. Can you?"

"I've been suspecting the same for some time," you say.

"Where do you think he plans to go?"

"I'm not sure. But we know he has no good intentions." Legolas squeezes your hand and you squeeze back. "Whatever happens, we stick together, right?"

"Right. Whatever happens." There's no sound for a while.

"Legolas," you start. "What happened to Sam and Frodo? And Boromir? Where are they?"

"Frodo and Sam are continuing the quest to destroy the Ring. Sadly," Legolas' face is solemn. "Boromir died in a battle against the Uruk-hai clan that captured Merry and Pippin. That's when they got lost and why we had to go out and find them."

"Oh no!" You swallow. "He was a great man. An annoying man, but a great man." Legolas laughs.

"Well said, well said." You look at him and smile and pull him into a hug. You stand there in his arms for quite a while resting your head on his chest. You think you might fall asleep it is so peaceful.

But then, pain starts attacking your head. Legolas lets go of you in shock and you tumble to the ground. "Sauron," you manage to say. "He is here." Legolas helps you up and you stumble again. You have to use him as support as you walk together back inside, to warn the others. But the pain grows more prominent with every step, and you have to stop and take short breaks every once in a while.

When you reach the room everyone is sleeping in, everyone is awake, Pippin holds the Palantir and Gandalf is running over to take it from him. When Gandalf finally gets it back, he conceals it in his robe and your headache is gone. "Tell me, lad, what did you see?" Gandalf demands. "Tell me!"

"There was a white tree, dead and burning. In the background, a city of white," Pippin explains.

"Did you tell him anything? Did you tell him about Frodo?!" Pippin shakes his head and Gandalf calms down. "Thank goodness for that. We have seen a sliver of the Dark Lord's plan. He is headed for Minas-Tirith. We must leave for there as soon as possible to warn the steward, Pippin. But the rest of you shall stay here." Gandalf looks everyone over and leads the two of you into the hallway, you limping and holding onto Legolas's arm.

"I have a feeling the two of you are back together, am I correct?" He asks. You nod and smile at Legolas, who smiles back. "I'm happy to hear it. Now, did either of you feel before this incident that Sauron is up to something?"

"Yes, we both did," Legolas answers.

"We were outside. I got a very painful headache and collapsed to the ground. Legolas helped me get inside."

"Yes, I see. You both are very in tune with the ways of the universe, y/n even more so than I to receive such powerful impressions." Gandalf stands there, thinking and staring into space. "Well, you can go back to what you were doing," he finally speaks.

"I'm just gonna go back to bed," and with the help of Legolas, you hobble back toward your room.

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