Part Nine: The Gateway to Moria

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You wake in Legolas's arms. "Where are we?" You ask him. 

"We are on the way to Moria and should be there by nightfall." You look at the sun. It is about two hours before noon. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes. Did you keep watch for the rest of the night?"

"No. I probably went to bed half an hour before sunrise."

"Oh," You are still tired and you lay your head on his chest to try and fall back asleep, but something keeps you awake. 

"Y/N, do you need food? Are you hungry?" Legolas asks. Come to think of it, you hadn't eaten breakfast. You nod your head. "Alright, I'll get you some Lembas." He sets you down and you stand up. He reaches into his pack and pulls out some bread and hands it to you. You eat only the smallest bite, for that much can fill anyone's stomach. Then you put it in your pack and continue on the long journey, walking.


"Ah, the walls of Moria!" Gimli finally says. He points to a sheer cliff face in front of them. You look at him very confused. "Dwarf doors are invisible when closed."

"Yes, Gimli!" intervenes Gandalf. "Even their own masters cannot find them if their secrets are forgotten!"

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Legolas says. Gimli grunts and you chuckle. 

Gandalf runs his hand over a smooth portion of the wall, revealing markings in the stone. "It mirrors only starlight and moonlight." You look to the sky and see the clouds clearing away from the moon. You come closer to the wall, the patterns begin to glow.

"It reads, 'The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria,'" you say, "'Speak Friend and Enter.'" 

"What do you suppose that means?" asks Merry.

"Oh, it's quite simple," says Gandalf. "If you are a friend, then you speak the password and the doors will open." He turns to you. "Now what do you suppose that password is?" Gandalf puts his staff in the middle of the star in the center of the door. "Annon Edhellen, edro hi ammen (Gate of the Elves, open now for me)!" Nothing happens.

You try. "Fennas Nogothrim, lasto beth lammen (Doorway of the Dwarf-folk, listen to the words of my tongue). Still, nothing happens. Gimli grunts and Legolas looks at him. 

"Nothing's happening," says Pippin. Gandalf tries to open the door with the strength of his own person, but it doesn't budge. "What're you going to do then?"

"Knock your head against these doors Peregrin Took!" Gandalf exclaims angrily. "And if that does not shatter them and I'm allowed a little peace from foolish questions I will try to find the opening words." Pippin looks down in dismay.

You sit down on a nearby rock and try to think, but no other words come to mind. Gandalf throws down his staff and walks toward Frodo who sits pondering on a rock. "It is useless."

Frodo jumps up. "It's a riddle! What's the Elvish word for friend?"

"Mellon," answers Gandalf. A big CRACK! is heard and the door opens. The Fellowship arises and walks into the mines.

"Soon, Mr. and Ms. Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the dwarves." Gimli gets excited. "Roaring fires! Malt Beer! Red meat off the bone!" Gandalf blows on the crystal in his staff and it lights up, revealing dozens of corpses and skeletons littered on the ground. Gimli doesn't seem to notice as he continues to brag. "This, my friend, is the home of my cousin Balin, and they call it a Mine! A Mine!"

"This is no mine, Gimli, for it surely is a tomb," says Boromir. You look around at all of the dead who were once dwarves. Gimli runs to one.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yells in sadness.

Legolas picks up an arrow from a corpse and inspects it. "Goblins." He throws it down on the ground. You arm yourself with your bow and so does Legolas. Aragorn and Boromir draw their swords. Suddenly, Frodo falls backward.

Merry and Pippin scream. "Frodo! FRODO!" You now can see what has made him fall. A large tentacle has grabbed his leg that protrudes from the lake behind. It pulls Frodo out of the cave. 

"Strider!" Sam yells. You shoot an arrow at the tentacle, and it hits dead on. Sam slashes at it with his sword and Frodo is free. Merry and Pippin drag him inside. The tentacle withdraws. Then many tentacles spring forth from the water. One takes hold of the little hobbit again and dangles him above the water.  "Strider!" Sam yells again. Aragorn and Boromir slice off tentacles one by one while you continue to shoot arrows. But more and more keep coming. Frodo is brought to the center of the monster, where a big huge mouth full of teeth from the lake. He screams.

"That's it!" you yell to the beast and you shoot an arrow right into its mouth. It makes a sound that you assume means distress because it lets go of the hobbit and he falls into the water.

"Into the cave!" yells Gandalf, but before you do you help Boromir drag Frodo's sopping wet body out of the lake. He gets up and all three of you run into the cave, where the door closes behind you.

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