Part Seventeen: Funeral

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You stand beside Gandalf and The Elf, watching as the prince of Rohan is brought to his grave. White flowers adorn the cemetery. 

Eowyn begins to sing an ancient song, a dirge for her cousin. 

When she ends her beautiful song, the villagers start to walk back towards their homes. But you stay behind with Gandalf and the king. 

But Gandalf motions for you to go, and you see that The Elf has not left yet either. You walk up to him. "Hello," you say.

"Hello," he says. "How are you y/n?" 

"I'm good. And you, err......."

"Legolas." Finally, you are able to know his name! Legolas, you think, trying to implant it into your head so you won't forget again. Legolas. "Legolas, I am so sorry, I-"

"Yes, I know. And it's ok. It's fine." He looks down at the ground, and something tells you he is really sad, and that it just might not be okay. You want to know what happened before the fall, but asking would probably make him sadder and maybe even cry. So you say nothing and keep walking in silence. 

You arrive at the house you are staying in. "Well, goodbye Legolas. It was nice talking and walking with you." 

"Goodbye, y/n." And he turns and walks away.

You run up to your room and fall asleep.


The next morning Gandalf leaves and King Theoden announces that the whole kingdom will leave for Helm's Deep, but that they will return later. Not a very wise decision in your opinion, but you play along. 

You help the villagers pack their things and load them on to carts and horses. You leave about two hours later. 


On your way, you walk with Eowyn and Gimli, who tells stories about female dwarves and their beards. You laugh along with her and remember something, a sliver of a memory. 

You are walking alone, not knowing what to do. Everyone else seems to be talking with someone else like they already know each other. And you're sure they do.

You decide to go and talk with Gimli the dwarf, the only other member of the group who looks lonely. "Hello, Gimli."

"Hello, y/n. How are you fairing?" He asks.

"Well," you say. "And you?"

"Well, I think tha' I'm fine. Say, how long do you s'pose we'll be on this mission?"

"Uhh........" you say. You laugh, embarrassed.

You aren't able to remember anything else. So you speak. "Gimli!"

"Yes, y/n?"

"I remember the first time we spoke! About our favorite foods and weapons! I remember!"

"You do? That's good! Well, the bad thing is, I don't." He winks and you laugh at his joke. You turn to Eowyn and see that she stares at Aragorn. 

"You like him?" you ask.

Eowyn turns to you. "Yes, I do care for him," she says with a sad smile. You decide not to talk about it anymore and the three of you walk in silence.


All of a sudden, Legolas yells, "Aragorn! We are under attack by wargs!" 

You whirl around to the sound of Legolas's voice, and you see him firing an arrow at an orc on a warg. You see that a warg is charging at you from above and you mutter an incantation and it freezes, right over your head. You say something else and slide over and it drops down, with you out from underneath it. 

You pick up a bow you find lying on the ground and decide to try your hand at it. You nock an arrow, not sure yet where the target will be. You feel the feather fletching, how soft it is. Your grip on the bow, so firm, and it feels right. You line your eye up with a nearby warg rider and shoot. The arrow glides by, implanting itself right into the rider's skull, exactly where you were aiming. 

Wow, you think. That was natural. Have I shot a bow before?

Just as you get to another sliver of a memory, a rider jumps off his warg and charges at you, and so you are forced to defend yourself. No! A fragment, gone! And it was all his fault! You want to find out more about yourself and he ruined your shot at getting another piece of who you used to be. 

You run toward him with the dagger you always carry. But, you soon find that his blade is much longer and sharper than yours. He jams it into your gut and you fall to the ground, screaming. You decide that the smart thing to do is to lie still, to not attract any more attention to yourself, to avoid further injuries. Yes, let them think I am dead. 

And that's all you remember before you black out.

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