Part Ten: Inside the Mines

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You run over to Legolas to walk by him before Boromir catches you off guard. You are just sick of him. "Are you hurt?" Legolas asks you.

"No," you answer. "But I am glad that we have finally made it to this place. I was getting bored."

"I was as well, and had you not been there with me I would have gone insane."

"The very same." He grabs your hand and squeezes it tightly. You squeeze his back. "Even though we have made it here, I feel very uneasy. We are trapped in a cave that we must walk four days just to see the light of the sun again. Four days!" 

"Do not fret over such things, Y/N. We will be fine."

 "Yes, I know we will," you sigh. "But I worry most for the hobbits. They are just too small and inexperienced." Legolas nods his head, showing he's listening.

"I personally trust Sam a lot. His friendship with Frodo is very strong. And Merry and Pippin are like each other's brothers. They have each other's back, both pairs. You know, that kind of friendship never goes to waste. It will not be forgotten. Ever." You smile at these few words of wisdom. And it gets you thinking. 

Do I have someone like that?  you ponder. Someone who I can trust with my life, and me with theirs?

You look around. "It's really dark in here."

"Yeah." Gandalf leads the group around the cave for three days, all the while you marvel at the dwarves' magnificent sculptures and architecture. On the fourth day, you come to an especially large cavern that is especially wondrous. Gandalf points with his staff and says:

"Behold the great realm and dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf." Beautiful pillars made entirely of stone are evenly spread throughout the big space. You walk through the center behind the rest of the Fellowship in awe. You could have stayed there forever, just staring and staring. But, number one, you were on a mission, and number two, Gimli, of all people, starts running toward a doorway. 

"Oh!" Gimli says. You follow him through it and there is something in the center of the room that he kneels at. "NoooooOOOOO!" 

You look at the writing on the structure, realizing that it is a tomb. 

Merry asks, "Gandalf, what does it say?" 

The rest of the Fellowship walks into the room. Gandalf walks over to you and reads, "Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria." You look toward Gimli who is verbally crying. He's so sad, and you feel so bad for him. Gandalf starts reading aloud from a book, but you don't pay much attention. You look over to Pippin, who's fiddling with a corpse. You tell him to stop, but he doesn't seem to hear. He knocks it down a well, making tons of noise. "Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time, and rid us of your stupidity," says Gandalf. Pippin looks down at the floor in regret. 

"If we stay here any longer, we will have orcs or goblins on our tails!" Boromir exclaims.

"Oh, but we already do," says Aragorn. "I can hear them now."  

"Barricade the door!" Boromir shouts. You run over to help him. Now you can hear them too. As you do so, an arrow narrowly misses your head. You look over to Legolas, who's also running over to help. 

"Are you alright?" He asks when he reaches you.

"Yes, I'm fine. Let's just help and not worry about me." And you get the doors blocked without letting too many more arrows come through. You and he then step back and nock your bows with an arrow. Everyone else draws their swords. 

Soon, the clan of orcs makes their way to you, punching and hitting their swords through the door, and the battle begins. You start shooting arrows at the hearts of the orcs, and it works for a decent amount of time, but more and more just keep coming, and they swarm around you. You're forced to pull out your sword. 

Slashing heads off orcs everywhere you turn, you notice something very big in the distance. A cave troll! When the orcs finally die down, you pull out your bow and shoot at the thing. You've hit it multiple times, but that doesn't seem to have any effect on the creature. You can see Legolas walking on the chain attached to the troll's neck, very fast and light. He soon reaches it and jumps on his back nimbly. He fires an arrow into its head. The troll screams in distaste, and tries to reach for Legolas but cannot. He jumps off with ease and you smile.

More orcs arrive, ready to engage in battle. And then more. And then more after that. They finally stop coming and you look around to see if all the hobbits are still there. And they are, but Frodo lays still on the ground, barely breathing, clutching his heart. You run over to him and ask, "What happened?" He doesn't answer, and you open his shirt. No blood comes out, only a rip in the fabric. 

"How are you not dead? This is not possible!" shouts Aragorn. 

"I think there is more to Frodo than meets the eye," Gandalf observes. You open it the rest of the way and find that he wears Mithril. "Frodo Baggins, you are full of surprises." 

Aragorn helps him up and pats him on the back. "I'm glad you're here with us still." He turns to the rest of the group. "We must keep moving." And so the Fellowship walks out of the tomb and into dangers unknown once again.

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