Part Twenty-one: Confusion

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------LEGOLAS POV------

"Legolas, go and wake y/n," Gandalf tells me. "She'll need to hurry. We have a time constraint. I can just feel how powerful Saruman has become."

"Alright." Gandalf walks away to tell the others, and you walk to rouse y/n.

"Y/N," I say as I knock on her bedroom door. "Y/N, we have to leave." She comes to the door and opens it, hiding all but her head behind it. That's ok. I can see her pretty face. That's enough.

"Why?" she asks me. Oh, her beautiful, pouty lips. I want to kiss them so much right now. No, I think. She doesn't see me in that way anymore. I would be better off forgetting too. 

I sigh. "We have to find Merry and Pippin. They were taken by Uruk-hai."

"Merry and Pippin?" I nod. She frowns. "Who are they?" she asks.

"They are two hobbits from the Shire."

"Oh. I don't remember them," she says. Of course, I already know this. "Legolas, why don't you come in and tell me about them? As my friend?" She opens the door all the way and walks to her bed. She pats it, wanting me to sit there beside her. I see that she still wears her nightclothes, so I look away. But I have to tell her no, so that I'm not tempted to do anything she'd be uncomfortable with, like kissing her or taking her hand again. So I look back, straight in her beautiful e/c eyes. 

"I..." I stutter as I feel tears in my eyes. I back away. "I...I can't. We have to go." I turn and walk speedily down the hall, crying. 

"Why?" she asks for a second time. I stop in my tracks. I don't want her to see me like this, weak. But I don't care anymore. There's no hope of getting her back now. So I turn back around.

I make up an excuse. "Because there is no time. I'll tell you as we travel." I turn back around and walk to my room. I reach it and crash down on my bed and cry for some time. I don't care about the time constraint anymore. What's the point? 

After a while, I hear a knock on my door. "Legolas?" Y/N says. "Legolas, are you there?"

"Are you ready?" I say as I am not ready myself.

"Yes." She pauses. "Legolas, can I just say something?" I get up to the door and open it. There she is again, pretty little y/n. I almost can't stand it, the hurt I feel inside so strong. That she'll never be mine again. She won't ever remember.

It takes all the energy I can muster to say "Yes."

She clears her throat. "Look, I don't know what I did to make you cry, but I'm sorry. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, then..."

"I'm sorry too, y/n. But it's not under your control," I interrupt. I speak my mind: "The only way is to remember." I shut the door and look down. I back up against it and slide down until I hit the ground. How will I ever get over her?

------Y/N POV------

When you get to the stables, you find Gimli, Gandalf, Theoden, and Aragorn there as well. Not Legolas.

You walk over to where Gandalf and Aragorn are saddling up. "You're back!" You hug Gandalf.

"How are you, y/n?" Aragorn asked you.

"I'm well, I guess." You think of Legolas crying. You're not sure how you feel.

"No," says Gandalf. "We have decided that her mind has been cursed, she has a bad memory."

"Who cursed her?"

"Most likely Saruman. But what reason he would have is beside me. He doesn't know what you're out of Rivendell for."

"Rivendell?" you ask. They both nod. "That's where I'm from?" They nod again.

"You see, she cannot remember a thing, Aragorn," says Gandalf sadly. Aragorn doesn't look too happy himself. 

"But I have remembered some things! I remember when I first met Gimli! And, I remember a dream I had. I remember my father, Lord Elrond, and my mother, Celebrian, and Arwen, and that she's supposed to marry you, Aragorn. But that's it."

"That's it. That's it!" Gandalf chuckles. "That's a major improvement, that's what it is!" Gandalf says happily. "Maybe it's not a spell. Maybe it's just the effect of coming back from the dead. Who knows? Maybe you'll remember everything."

"Legolas hopes I will."

"Oh, Legolas," Aragorn says in a sad tone like he knows how Legolas is feeling. And maybe he does, you're not sure. He is silent for a moment. "Speaking of Legolas, where is he?"

"I don't know," you say. "I think I might have upset him."

"How so?" asks Gandalf.

And so you relay the story, wondering if you have just lost a good friend. Forever.

"Knowing Legolas, you probably reminded him of something, most likely something that makes him sad," says Aragorn. "Oh look, there he is now."

You look to the direction Aragorn points. Sure enough, Legolas enters the room. You debate on whether or not you should go and talk to him. You decide not to and climb on a horse. Legolas climbs on a horse of his own. "Lead the way, Gandalf," he says. And so he does, and you're off, to find two hobbits of which you know nothing about.

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